
We’ll pay them in walls.

Further proof (as if more was needed) that radical religious zealotry is, no matter the religion, a disgusting and perverted sickness. Just ask the nations and peoples who have been wiped out in the name of spreading Christianity....oh wait....

The Twitter eggs tell me it’s a wonderful free country with a great super handsome leader, “and also “Trump 2020!” so I think it’s probably legit.

This here everyone is what a violation of one’s free speech actually looks like. The Russian government is arresting him for saying negative things about the Russian Orthodox Church. This is one of the times where it’s appropriate to say that this man’s free speech is being violated.

Frozen butter maybe for the chilling affect And the butter affect? Or maybe make some frozen pats of bacon grease?

There are other changes he’ll want to make at that convention, too:


Really emphasizing the winning with those childish comments.

‘We’re looking into it’ is their new all-purpose response. It’s the new “I’ll release my tax forms on Thursday.”

Please, please vote in your state and local elections. Rs are dangerously close to reaching the 2/3 (34) state legislature control (they’re at 32!) to call a constitutional convention and completely fuck up the country.

It’s mid-60s female early retiree now helping out at the local library on Wednesday afternoons.

Sometimes I feel that Miley made some sort of Faustian bargain. You get to be rich and famous, but the “Achy Breaky Heart” guy is your dad.

“how is babby made”

Or they say, “that’ll toughen ‘em up, set ‘em straight.” Because time spent in jail is never linked to higher recidivism. Whatever - victim blamers are always shit.

Kid, you can get on my lawn. Bring your sign too.

Pretty much. When you transition, whether like me because of being intersexed and raised wrong, or transgender you have to unlearn a lot of stuff you learned so you could survive, and then learn a LOT of stuff that other people of that gender take for granted because they have always been able to be themselves.

I decided a long time ago that people like Jones, or Rush, or Beck, it doesn’t MATTER if they believe the shit they peddle, they damage is real. These guys are modern snake oils for broken minds and broken spirits. They are no better than the televangelist who takes old ladies’ Social Security check, buys a

As someone in the Indiana National Guard who actually worked on the preparations for Guardian Response/Vibrant Response, I found this article to be extremely biased and, frankly, inaccurate. Guardian Response is not a nuclear response exercise. It is an annual joint exercise with emergency response personnel, ranging