
It’s totally a rape fantasy. Also, if you like cute talking animals, you should read Animal Farm.

Well, I can imagine that to a number of men, seeing A Handmaid’s Tale as a “rape fantasy” is a lot more comforting than the idea of women having all agency removed from them, and becoming incubators who are impregnated against their will by a man they did not choose.

So it was an ill eagle?

Predator and prey will have to band together and stack on top of each other.

Better than this...

Coulda been G3n3rations I guess.

Trump is a native New Yorker. So...

My theory is that they figured they could do everything the Obama administration could do, but using the exact opposite action as a template. Instead they’ve created Bizarro World, where competence is mirrored by incompetence; compassion is mirrored by cruelty; and discipline and planning gets to be flailing about

Don’t lose focus. The MOAB isn’t that big of a deal: it’s a large conventional weapon, but it’s not materially different from ten 2,000-pound bombs bundled together. The attempted rollback of National Monument (not Park) designations made under the Antiquities Act will be in litigation for years, and this

It’s okay - this is our next president, as foretold 17 years ago:

Like, I get that’s it a brainless theocratic dictatorship, but it seems odd that a country/society with a shortage of babies would restrict fertile women to a select few.

It’s what happens when you accept Fox News as actual analysis.

A lot of the complaining that came with the Infinite Warfare trailer wasn’t just about that game’s setting. It was about the apparent trend of the franchise as a whole continuing to move away from it’s roots. Infinite Warfare was getting extra hate as the symbol of a larger complaint. That group—the hardcore, annual

Mitch McConnell is definitely not one of them, but I want to post this gif because you can actually see his soul leaving his body.

But it may have staunched the bleeding in terms of negative buzz. Angry fans (or non-fans) wouldn’t have had much to hold against IW and the COD as a whole had they known a WWII game was coming.

It’s a historical documents.

Poor bats!!! Bats are so adorable and I love them.

Perhaps one day, video game companies will be annoyed with the people leaking sensitive information, and the not the people professionally obligated to report it.

We can only...Prey.


I’m predicting now that the “muh localization censorship” crowd is going to be silent on this one.