
My god. He isn’t using a coaster.

Well it had sure as hell better since we’re going to be having a LOT more moms when he gets rid of women’s health clinics.

Canadian here: is it common for a President to constantly get his executive orders overruled?

James O’Brien is a CG artist from Ireland. You like cars? Because O’Brien does real nice cars.

Nineteen bleeding percent of eligible voters got us into the mess, yes.

These mother fuckers need fern gully.

Vat is Amerikan expression: ‘house alvays vin’?

Nah, that’s just Pence.

Fun trivia: With the increased tariff on Canadian lumber, there will likely be an influx of Russian lumber from Siberia to cover that part of the market.

As a native person; we knew this was coming. They gave us the most grim, dry and piece of shit scraps of land they could find because they wanted out fertile prairies. Now they want the oil beneath our reservations, so they will take them. We will be left with less than the nothing we had before. Our cultures will

Naw. He’ll still use N Korea because he is a YUGE fan of outsourcing labour to reduce costs.

Correction. Daughterfuckers

Holy shit what is with the sudden influx of commenters saying “well, climate change can be good too!”

Keep in mind that just because a boat can travel from China to Europe X days faster doesn’t mean they just turn it off for 5 days, saving the pollution. They’ll just turn it around and go back to China, burning bunker oil the whole way. A container ship that is sitting still is a container ship that isn’t making

There is a difference between slaughtering the attackers and deterring them with warning shots. Hard to tell from the video but it kind of looks like they were firing directly at the pirate vessel and that seems totally excessive. Having worked in war zones, including Afghanistan, and interacted with these merc types

Funny how when Portuguese were illegally fishing Somali waters leading to one of the famines and economic collapses no one gave a shit enough to send marines or contractors to stop it.


Obama is also getting flak for a $400k speech fee.

With Erdogan in power? Probably. I’d like to think a more moderate Turkish government would be okay with the existence of a Kurdistan, as long as it doesn’t come from Turkish territory. I think any practical Kurdistan arrangement would mean taking some of Iraq and Syria’s Kurdish regions, but leaving those in Turkey

Who would have thought that a place with the moniker “The graveyard of empires” would be so hard to deal with?