
Not going to come at you, like others are kinda doing (Haven’t read this whole thread). I just want to say that while your post did reek of concern trolling, yes, obesity is a real issue. However, study after study have shown that the more you harp on people, whether your intentions are good or bad, the worse people’s

Diabetes Empathy is a real thing, moreso in the black community human race. I really think this whole “body positive” “concern trolling”thing is overlooking the fact that proper diet and exercise compassion and respectful discourse is something you should strive for instead of just “being happy with yourself”

the blame is always obvious except when it’s you.

The thought of someone raping Little Miss Sunshine is giving me the worst cross of murderous rage and horrific sadness. Take care sweet Abagail.

As a reminder, a French court ruled that calling Le Pen a fascist was totally within reason and a fair comment:

So after hearing all the b.s. from Sessions on trans bathrooms and marijuana and the justice department and all the racism and then the b.s. about Hawaii I was so far past done that I touched the face of God and the 4th dimension but saw my adult daughter playing with some books and some dust and decided I needed to

Would it help if I shared a good news story from Britain’s clusterfuck general election campaign?

Child of Reddit founder has to deal with with racism before even being born. The world does have a sense of humor.

you fuckin’ millenials and your not being born sooner like civilized people.

It makes me sad, that today, on the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, the country of Turkey continues to exist in total denial.

Now playing

As Ive said in the past, I believe Mississippis history deserves study and reflection, no matter how unpleasant or complicated the matter may be.

Take a quick second and think about “… Jews and what they stand for.”

Let’s look down in the deep grays

Self reflection is way harder than finding easy answers.

The Dominionists (Ted Cruz and nearly every evangelical nutjob preacher out there, including Franklin Graham Jr.) are pushing for a theorcacy. That is why they keep trying to introduce this shit in schools and in government. btw, they hate the Muslims only because pretty much every Muslim country observes some form of

Yeah, I didn’t know that these monuments existed, and somehow I still knew about how slaves were treated. I don’t know how that could have happened, but somehow that information was able to be communicated without having monuments to racist fucks who tried to keep owning people under the guise of states rights.

Is anyone surprised. This is a man who was glad 3000 people died because it made his building the tallest and then claimed that non-existent Muslims were celebrating.

I had no idea. Another ideal dead.

What’s next: will a Russian prostitute urinate on it?