
I guess the reasoning is that it seems unlikely that this sort of comment would be made if the racial makeup of Hawaii weren’t so predominantly Hawaiian, Asian, and mixed heritage. I doubt Sessions would call a court in Alaska “A court in a frozen wasteland” or whatever, but if I imagine an alternate history where the

Siad this yesterday in another thread, but it bears repeating here-

You can get the police to show up with an anonymous tip. You can’t build a case around evidence to prosecute tho.

It’s really a tale of two cities: The civilized world sees this as the confirmation of the disgusting behavior they assumed always existed at FOX, while their loyal viewers will see this a sensitive snowflakes needing ‘safe spaces.’

Sounds like a remake of the Shield that was on fx

What a great group of comics. Fifth Element? Alien eggs? Good times.

Finished my decoupaged night stand, finally! Took a long time to dry and pour the layers of acrylic for the top, plus we’ve been really busy with a family emergency this past week, but I finally finished it. (And yes, that is a box set of Amelia Bedelia next to Team of Rivals.)

Depending on your timeline, I’d wait a while, then maybe send a short and factual message wishing him well and outlining your plans. But that’s it.

Okay, seriously, how do her handlers not just hug her ALL DAY?? You’d have to pry me off her with a crowbar.

They don’t cover it in the spot per se (because it’s an ad, not a documentary) but what isn’t mentioned is the insane, crushing levels of opioid addiction in middle America/the working class. Plenty of people start out on pills (often beginning with a legal prescription) get hooked, and find that heroin is much

Ok, so I got my puppy! Introducing Franklin the mystery mix! Approximately 10 weeks and 8 lbs. His tail is very chihuahua, almost pug-like, and his face looks like a pitbull’s, though it’s pointier than it appears in most pics. He is so sweet, loves to sleep, loves to pee.

Squirrel trying to flip out of her Thundershirt. Proudly displaying her genitals.

It’s like asking why people can’t just lose weight. Some people can’t. In the abstract almost every drug addict would pick being happily drug-free just like any fat person would chose to be happily fit. But you don’t just flip a switch, the overeating or drug addiction are coping mechanism for other problems and

No, I read the part where you said “of course it should be fair, but” I just think it’s an unintelligent argument that missed the point of the entire ad. Arguing that it’s unfair that black and brown people have it shitter than white people but hey, it’s reality, so they really just need to accept it and deal with the

There’s no doubt we wanted to,” he says. “We wanted to capture the energy of what it is to be transgressive. And they’re the ultimate transgressors — heroin is the farthest out there. We wanted to do what the book does. You live inside it; part of that is the excitement and pleasure of drug-taking.

Of course it glorifies heroin. Its not even a discussion. This is the nature of art and cinema. Every terrible consequence of heroin in that film is balanced by something funny or exciting or in some other way glamorous. And there’s the fact that the two leads are attractive and the main character escapes any major

Glorification is virtually unavoidable in cinema. Yeah, Boyle made a solid effort to show every dark and gloomy potential result from heroin addiction, but he also did it with a snappy as hell Brit pop soundtrack, just as snappy dialogue and editing, a cast led by two fairly handsome chaps who quite often seemed to be

Honestly, I think in some ways it does. I’m not saying it doesn’t overtly criticize drugs, but I’ve seen a ton of Trainspotting posters on bedroom walls and the “choose a blah blah” speech on posters and t-shirts. It has the same grungy counter-culture glamour as Fight Club.

Laminate it, you are going to get a lot of use out of it over the next few years. Mine was inspired by one that popped up on my FB feed, but after a few weeks I had to cover it with stick-backed plastic since some fo the letters were coming off, I felt like I was kicking it back to Blue Peter times..

It’s a current, fairy major news story right now. I think Justin did just what he should’ve by tying the two together.