
It’d be nice if he started to get exposed to and started to understand some of what he’s missing.

The crotch is probably glaringly incandescent, so you can never really get a good look . . . also true to source material.

You guys are way too defensive over this. He’s not even saying negative about video games outside of them being designed to absorb your time (which is obviously true) and he seems to be primarily blaming himself. He didn’t come and interview for Kotaku, he’s just saying something he struggled with and something I’m


Damn... some defensive comments here. The gamer doth protest too much, methinks. He’s not saying video games are bad, he’s not attacking them. He’s saying some video games are designed to be time sinks (absolutely, positively true) and admitting that he’s vulnerable to that kind of addictive behavior.

Advertisers left. Fox had to pay a bunch of women he harassed. And Fox had to hire investigators and lawyers. Just using your words, Bill. They’re your words.

Literally true. Saw with my own eyes.

She also has a constitutional right to be in the next Guardians of the Galaxy. Why does James Gunn hate free speech?

Every time I see a picture of Sheeran, I’m like there must be some kind of mix up. He’s supposed to be playing the goofy,ugly side kick in a Judd Apatow movie not a rock star.

but I don’t think a kid should be saddled with a parent who spends time possibly resenting having them.

I’d like to take this time to plug a tumblr blog called Shit People Say to Women Directors, which highlights issues women in film (mostly directors, but also other positions like producers, camera operators, etc) have to deal with on a regular basis.

What is this internalised misogyny of which you speak? Is it widespread?

Never feel incompetent anywhere.

I’m estimating that it is elephantine in size.

So they are less likely to get swallowed up by your gaping orifice.

I’m surprised someone didn’t photoshop out the swastikas before they printed the poster.

Heres an idea (and not just for the people at the Atlantic, but everywhere). Maybe if you want to write an article about a female politician/celebrity/CEO/artist/anything you should look back at similar articles you have done for their male counterparts. And if your article contains a whole bunch of stupid

So what you’re saying is the the supply of nazis doesn’t meet the demand

From the link: