
Maybe you can get them to send someone out for assembly instead of a refund? I’ve heard some companies will do this if they have a location in the area.

Yeesh, that’s got to be frustrating as hell...

I’m quite glad I got to that one late when all those guys had already been thoroughly trounced by other commenters.

A good reliable printer so she doesn’t have to rely on the college ones for printing everything. And some of that fancy photo paper stuff.


I had a guy get pissy with me the other day for actually using the TLDR he wrote at the end of 10+ paragraph comment (half of which seemed to be irrelevant/repetition). It made me chuckle :).

Pushed him so hard he flew into the air!

Very good :)

Aaaaaah, so good.

I bet they’ve got ray-guns under those burqas!

Thanks. There it is, I had a vague feeling there was an incredibly broad definition out there. Was pleasantly surprised to not find it when I looked the first time, figured I’d misremembered. Dunno why they put it so much lower...

Great point.

Tormund Giantsbane and Euron Greyjoy. It’s been quite while since I read them but I thought I remembered Euron having an eyepatch in the books. 

Omg, that Cersei is so good!

Correct, I’ve repeatedly stated that censorship has a negative connotation, which it does.

Uh, not sure what the point of this post is. Half about a conclusion I already reached during the discussion (that it is technically censorship) and half relating to stuff that I never brought up afaik (whether censorship is inherently good or bad).

But how did you know?!

Pius they have less kids, so the white-genocide crowd should be on board!

Holy fuck that’s a shitty thing to put on someone.

Actually I said that was the first time I heard it used outside of governmental censorship.