
Cus the robots have been taking the real jobs. Better the fleshmen have something to do.

Maybe ‘ammosexuals’ is right!

Roujin Z

His first of them:

It’s fine, they’ll see sense and come around...upcoming exemption for pregnancy in wedlock.

If people are going to treat them like heroes then they should hold them to heroic standards.

Did you accidentally press ctrl plus + a few times? It should show a little icon at the right end of the address bar.

Not for me (on pc using chrome).

Cheers for the tips :)

I actually thought the commenter subblogs shut down years ago (when they disappeared from the main blog drop-down menus) until I somehow accidentally stumbled into Odeck recently. How is it we’re supposed to find them now?

Shit, someone turned on the lights!

Yeah they can leave us. We’ll be fine sitting down here in the dark having our little grey circle-jerk, spattering each other in impotent stars.

It’s Tokyo, so I;m guessing all costs would be off the fucking charts. Still seems like a big markup.

I know someone who got other drugs because their pot dealer was temporarily out of pot and they wanted to party. Which wouldn’t have happened if they’d had a legal pot dispensary or two to choose from!

Please save us :(

It was truly strange to watch from outside the US. To myself and most people I knew she seemed like a pretty typical centre politician. Not as likable as Obama, willing to get involved in the middle east, links to bankers, occasionally deceptive. *shrug* Nothing exceptionally bad comparatively.

Good read.

I couldn’t even remember who the VP was until you mentioned it.

I’d thought the shabby surrounding thing was meant to symbolize the women being treated shabbily by the people/society around her. Might be reaching there though.