
Uh, doesn’t the cowboy hat come from a profession found across multiple races and cultures? I don’t see how that would come into the argument.

You still tried, which wouldn’t have been easy. To me that counts for a lot.

It was the eu vrsion. It has been more than a decade so I could very well jut be misremembering the frustrating from a low chance of head-popping.

That’s a relief. People refer to child porn as CP! While kinja seemed an unlikely venue for a confession, it being on a post about ‘real women reject me’ made me wonder.

Hah, I like how he misses out financial/business elites.

“Mr President, I don’t know how you’ve been managing that situation in California, but it’s genius. Security for real americans through targeted droughts!”

How do these rich, powerful lap-of-luxury fucks manage to look tenser and unhappier than missing-leg guy and his wife?

Seriously, put my mind at rest here please. What do you mean by CP?

I seem to remember that study. Wasn’t there another one to do with the thickness of flesh between the vaginal wall and the ‘tail’ ends of the clit, or am I misremembering completely?

When “I wish I could do things over again” doesn’t even help...ouch.

I’m a bit late to this one, but very good summary!

starred for username :)

How widely can prostate placement actually vary?

Was the RE4 no-head-pop-without-creature not a universal thing? I could have sworn I remembered that issue when playing.

Yes it does seem somewhat suspect that they choose the ‘talking’ service that happens to include fucking and is also expensive...

Hll yes, with enough investors on board we can turn it into a titillating version of Robot Wars.

Glad to hear it, me too! My suggestion was if the conversational feature was advanced enough these dolls could possibly divert that “primarily want someone to talk to” demographic of those who use trafficking victims. And so presumably lessen demand for trafficking victims and reduce trafficking overall, leading to

Nothing is as it seems in Westworld :). Still very much worth watching.