
I’ve heard seemingly nice normal people enthusiastically say that unemployed people should be sterilised as standard. They say it as if this is a perfectly simple, sensible and fair solution. It’s sickening.

lol at least the feel some shame while they get their tax-breaks.

A politician with links to big business and willing to get involved in the middle east? A politician who can be sometimes deceptive or unlikable?! Can you imagine voting for such a rare beast?! MADNESS I say. None of us have ever had to do that before.

The issue is that censorship is not just purely for official/gov interference.

lol true. I’m guessing they were trying to veer as far away from ‘thuggish’ as possible and took it too far.

But content is still being altered that may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by a higher up or different group. Regardless of what you would like to call it, that is censorship.

They are giving kotaku free advertising when they make references to it, so maybe they do have some humour about it? If they’re actually trying to be vindictive it seems a weird way of doing it.

I still don;t that it would be ‘censorship’ rather than ‘shitty business partner abusing their position of power’ (catchy, I know). Censorship has such massively negative connotations because of the common usage being governmental/official interference. That’s why people having such a visceral reaction to the term.

Shit, that’s disappointing, their antics are usually good for a laugh. *sigh*

According to wikipedia the game design document is often attached to the contract between devs and publisher, forcing the devs to adhere to said design document. In your second scenario that would presumably mean the devs signed a contract which allowed for the publisher to enforce drastic changes to the design

Is a publisher requiring changes really censorship? Seems like a pretty standard part of the business, the cost of someone else bankrolling a for-profit project.

Well I learned a new word today!

Cursed with dreams of Ivanka fucking Rosie O’Donnell.

It’s like they wanted to sound classy or something, but couldn’t figure it out and ended up sounding like a parody.

“Do other players even exist?!” The madness encroaches lol, I’ve had this so many times in similar games. If this is still going somehow next April fools they should have the player count totally detached from the real number.

Blegh, this one’s really bad.

Yeah me too.

Wasn’t there also the “trafficking a minor across state lines for nefarious purposes” (or something along these lines)?

lol, I can see MGTOW people enjoying it maybe. Perhaps if he spent the whole book narrating about how much better off he is without his ex.

A sense of comfort to those who are grieving or who are dying I guess. If there’s a bowling club that provides this then please sign me up as I can’t convince myself religion is real!