A commenter on a recent article said that it’s stated somewhere (epilogue perhaps?) that it’s actually male infertility that’s the problem, but women are forced to take the blame. I don’t know if that’s true as I don’t have the book handy.
A commenter on a recent article said that it’s stated somewhere (epilogue perhaps?) that it’s actually male infertility that’s the problem, but women are forced to take the blame. I don’t know if that’s true as I don’t have the book handy.
Wasn’t this Cormac McCarthy’s deal with The Road too? Marketed as a thriller or something.
Well, others might. It does happen with western Muslims, I’ve seen news reports(BBC I think) about ostracisation, threats and intimidation against outgoing converts. But it’s not a universal experience and it’s not mandated like it seems to be with scientology.
It did feel a bit weird playing a street child repeatedly risking his life to help one group of power-mad nobles wrest control from another. Like, what’s in it for me?!
“...to the faint sound of one million Pepes crying out.” hehe, very good katherine :)
Huh. Maybe he’s feeling cynical today.
I know a guy who’d fucking love these.
Yup. I remember all of 1 participation trophy being handed out to 1 single kid in my whole childhood.
Yeah this makes me want to go to New Orleans more than before.
It’s possible to relapse and bounce back, it really is. There’s that trope of person who is sober for ages then has one tiny taste and descends back to where they were. But it’s just a trope, people focus on those stories because it’s easier to see things in that simplistic black and white way. It’s easier for…
Weird how he chose to respond to this post with a joke and not the content of it, lol. I was told the majority of heroin users started out on legally prescribed opioids.
lol ok that makes sense
Listening to one now, cheers :)
I have to constantly remind myself that people can change for the better, even if it seems to be going the opposite way right now.
I like seeing people’s tattoos, hope you get this thread off the ground!
Guh, that second strike should have been the firing. Is he a really great teacher or something?
I think in that situation I would want to be told. But if I was you I;d keep it just a short simple message, and make it clear you’re still planning on respecting him about not contacting apart from this. Hard to know though.
Wtf, how does simply moving strays around help?! What a dumbass.
That is an awesomely weird looking dog.
It really should be that simple shouldn’t it. Problem is that as long as he roughly has the policies they want then the right wing will still vote for him.