
So what specifically in those comments did you read that made you assume they were directed at the family of the victim and not dumbass who let the friend of a friend have access to the gun? Don’t get me wrong, if there was something there and they were doing so then I’m all for changing my tune. But I can’t see a

Why are you assuming this comment (and OMGPONIES’) are directed at the family of the victim and not dumbass who let the friend of a friend have access to the gun?

Lol, what a spicer.

To the other people commenting; it’s good advice either way, and could maybe have prevented this depending on how the friend of a friend acquired the gun (which we don’t know currently).

Well, do it either way!

This is what I remember reading. Basically the legalised trade just provides cover and a veneer of legitimacy for the traffickers, allowing them to increase their activities. Kinda like with the legal ivory trade.

It means you are a dirty turncoat...

The just-world fallacy and all that.

Surely...surely not?! wtf condom...that’s a double-decker of fuckery right there.

Sure I got a reply. As a response to my question no it did not make sense.

There’s probably a tips email address you can write to.

But it’s sharia law we’re told to worry about...

Yes you did say that, and while doing so continued to act as if those two words had the same meaning. Not a big deal, I’m just curious why.

Does English grammar have any rules about capitalization at the start of a sentence?

Can’t let dudes of the hook for this shit either. “Yes she thinks gypsies are little more than animals...but she’s so hot!” Paraphrased real conversation.

“not married ie (single)” Did these used to be interchangeable terms or something?

Uh, how can someone be single and in a committed relationship?

Playing all those violent videogames really payed off for Kwak.
