Why are suicide threats are passed on to the secret service?
Why are suicide threats are passed on to the secret service?
That’s too much for plenty of men and women apparently. “We just don’t talk about politics”. Even though politics affects reproductive rights and sexual healthcare...which are presumably relevant to anyone who’s banging at all?!
Makes sense, thanks.
Next time that friend wants something form you...refuse to answer their calls/texts?
Wow, what a mixed post! Could you maybe try to identify someone at the paper with a decent attitude and preemptively give them your side of the story?
That sucks so much, I hope you find some solution that works for you.
What’s the connection between the cellphones and pregnancy rate?
The GTA generation are all grown up.
Fine Art is my favourite bit of Kotaku, never stop doing it Luke!
I thought those weren’t Assad regime sites?
I’m kinda glad he did though, because it’s always fun to laugh at these guys.
And most importantly: it looks terrible.
Buy your daughter princess stuff, but also a guillotine to stand ominously in the corner of her room.
Also someone who’s never come up with intellectual property worth stealing in their life.
The most ardent and vocal social Darwinism folks I’ve talked to always seem to also be the “my family living isolated on a homestead trying to be totally self-sufficient” types. Because that’s totally the most competitive model we’ve seen work in the course of human history...
“Hey, what’s that Carlton guy doing these days?”
“But I made sure you would see there was a white man under this black skin, because prejudice is only skin deep.” Is this the “important statement” he was trying to get across? lol
I bet these guys feel like heroes, hanging around gov buildings ambushing and going after the weak. Much easier than the hard targets you mentioned, but with all the official plaudits.
“a hollow gourd filled with asbestos fibers” I love this, well done.
Prise be to the Almighty Poopcat