Guillaume @internet

How soon will Oda start using the Repetitive Epic, the most elegant form of Cardassian storytelling?

Obviously we need to start arming the 13-year-old girls.

Here’s a thought: maybe wait until your broken game is no longer broken until you make it into an esport.

While I certainly understand that the way videogames “glorify” violence can make people uncomfortable, and there is absolutely some stuff worth unpacking there, this strikes me as completely ass-backwards.

That’s one beautiful man.

Which they provided.

It’s literally in the article

Never doubt the truth of John Gabriel’s Greater Internet Fuckwad theory—or its companion, the “Even Relatively Innocuous Shit Will Be Turned Into Racist Fuckery By Opportunistic Shitweasels” posit.

Racists ruining everything since forever.

But on the internet, which was a mistake

I only buy stuff on Switch now, so fingers crossed for a port.

Apples and oranges. Jack Daniels doesn’t specifically target alcoholics.

you are missing the point. we should be free to buy and play a game without some added “lootbox” type thing that’s so easy to get sucked into.’ve never met an alcoholic or looked into the doctorate of AA and it’s ilk, have you?

“It’s not just a one time purchase. It never is.”

Good Morning Kinjaers!

When the game is rigged its hardly matters.

Fuck you for not reading Kotaku, IGN,, Forbes, or any goddamn website about EA news over the past two weeks.


Is spending money cheating? Seems just as fair to me.