And tons of old PSA videos. Such as:
Hey Ali, glad to see you’ve joined the discussion.
Humiliation? Please. We’d have done the same thing if a bunch of Iranian sailors drifted into one of our harbors.
How is it a humiliation? We avoided over reaction and bloodshed and a simple accident was treated as just that, an accident.
Re 2: I’m not aware that Hillary’s base denies evolution or wants to build giant walls. If we’re going to stoop low enough to suggest there’s an idiot base out there, out of all the candidates there’s no way the finger can end up being pointed in Clinton’s direction.
What would she be vilified for? She got a joke question and gave a joking response. Carson gets serious questions and gives responses such as the pyramids being grain silos and evolution being a lie. World of difference.
This is why I love this site, video grainy as fuck? No matter, the Jalops will figure it out.
I will lose my shit if Jalopnik goes out like Gawker. What makes me laugh is how Gawker will trash other websites, most notably Vice. They talk down on Vice, meanwhile Vice comes up with original articles. Vice has people reporting from hotspots like Iraq or Africa when the Ebola virus was running rampant.
This is literally 90% of Gawker articles. Take someone ELSE’S work and sum it up with a link and BAM you have a Gawker article. So far Jalopnik seems to have avoided the same “writing” style. I hope to fuck Jalopnik doesnt end up like the garbage over on Gawker.
This article is literally a bunch of fluff around a video.
If you put Diesel in a gas car, it will get pissed off and run like crap, worse as you go up in concentration, up to and including a crank/no start condition, but not usually any permanent damage. The rules change when putting Gasoline in a diesel vehicle. In most cases where heui injectors are involved, you’re buying…
Every. Single. Pump.
Out of the gray, please????? Please???
Terrified of this ...
Whatever it is, the rear bumper looks misaligned