Bob Loblaw Lobs Law Bomb

Pics or it didn’t happen

It must piss you off so much to have to write something positive about the United States, Tyler.

Russian ships shooting at NATO ships, that’s what Tyler wants, right? Little wonder he should feature this story prominently on his fact-free blog.

All we can know today on this blog is whoever is against NATO and the U.S., Tyler Rogoway supports them. That is a fact.

The only sure thing is if Tyler Rogoway can make America look bad in this incident, he will. All other content is irrelevant.

It doesn’t matter. A traitor like Tyler Rogoway will cheer them on regardless.

That cluster is so tight, it is almost slim enough to fit Tyler Rogoway’s micropeen

What difference would it make to you? They are all nameless, faceless automatons for your enjoyment, right, Tyler?

Like you would fucking know, lying coward

While you would blithely choose to use American military, without a moment’s thought while you rest comfortably in your luxurious confines well away from the battlefield!

“very near future”

“very near future”

Like you would, coward!

But apparently not your promised plans on a superior strategy for fighting ISIS, which you claimed was forthcoming, you Goddamned chickenhawk piece of shit.

But you haven’t “updated” your grand scheme to fight ISIS that is apparently so overwhelming it is superior to the plans of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as well as the Commander-in-Chief of the United States of America, you Goddamned coward. Man up, and show us the plans you claimed you would post “very soon”. It is

At least they aren’t pussies like the United States, right, Tyler?

Is that what you were trying to start when you called me un-American?

I seriously wish to nominate Raphael Orlove as permanent overlord of the Question of the Day segment

That’s what he said

You owe me royalties