Sinc when? The comment section yesterday was filled with proclamations that it was probably some right-wing white-guy with guns. You can read them.
Sinc when? The comment section yesterday was filled with proclamations that it was probably some right-wing white-guy with guns. You can read them.
So because you hate the christian right so much, you are willing to say that the fact that the guy was muslim and did this in the name of Islam is not relevant? LoL the denial and hypocrisy of left wing liberals will never cease to amaze me.
She ran a poor campaign full of arrogance toward “deplorables” and took her voter base for granted. Trump appealed to working people who are watching their economic futures get worse and worse. The offer to renegotiate NAFTA could have won him the election all by itself. Afa his voters being rabid racists and…
Don’t run a neocon disguised as a democrat and this shit wouldn’t happen.
This is the worst kind of argumentation. You see those Johnson voters? The ones that quadrupled Stein’s turnout in those states? They weren’t leaning Clinton. If anything, they siphoned off traditionally Republican-leaning voters. They weren’t disaffected Bernie Bros.
It was the DNCs fault for not picking the best candidate. Nobody owes anyone their vote. Votes have to be earned.
And now you sound like Trump. See what I’m saying?