lol - that’s pretty funny. Being very vocal in feminist and LGBTQ movements is more likely to get you a job than being the opposite, a person who wishes you’d shut up about it, who is more likely to lose a job.
lol - that’s pretty funny. Being very vocal in feminist and LGBTQ movements is more likely to get you a job than being the opposite, a person who wishes you’d shut up about it, who is more likely to lose a job.
Apparently you know enough not to be a dumbass free climbing a crane.
Defeating piles of dirty dishes while maintaining a manicure doesn’t seem like a good basis for a movie...
Yeah, but was leaking due to the design or the hippies doing the building with whatever they had on hand?
Google “Dubai Porta Potty”
The point is that CA agriculture wastes a tremendous amount of water through inefficiencies of thousand year old farming techniques, and if you want to solve the issues here, you need to look at fixing agriculture techniques. Yes, it’s expensive, but even if you removed every person from CA, the state would still run…
Alissa -
Ahh - yes, I have issues - I understand.
Sorry - I wasn't clear.
Typing random words that have zero meaning. Must be a feminist.
Sweetheart, nobody can handle that ass. At least not barehanded. You'd need a shovel.
And you're right - I couldn't handle it. Nobody wants to watch fat bounce.
No, I'm the guy that thinks that she's got a fat ass and gets a pass on it because there are so many desperate men out there that they'll put anything on a pedestal.
That fat ass? Really?
The problem is that "condemning" is useless.
I really want to agree with you on this.
Kruger-Dunning Effect.
And hope...
15 perent longer doesn't make better employees (unless your only metric is that they stay their jobs longer I guess).
Except that LA isn't the problem. See graph higher up in the comments.