
You got me all excited, but it doesn't seem to work. I'm on Chrome, download that Kotaku extension, it's on Classic Blog view, but I see it just the same. Help a girl out?

Hey Cassie, can we have a link to this forum on the main page? cause without hashtags it is kind of clumsy to get the forum (maybe I'm an old (well I am) but the only way I figured out to get there is to "search" cotd in the search window - is there an easier way?)

That how the rule us. but reading your username, I guess you know.

What can we learn you ask?

You are so lucky! He's so cute!

That sounds like so much fun! I'm jealous...

I see what you did there. :)

You clearly have never met my over possessive cat. He doesn't believe in anything else but him. So maybe what I meant is why did I take this cat? But now I love him so there's not much to do. Stupid lovable cat.

Now that a ball of fluff! Why did I take cats and not bunnies again?

Jon Hamm, handsome, funny, talented and give exactly the same amount of fucks I do about getting married! We have one thing in common!

#correction first: it's Maayan (written in the post Mayaan Zilberman).

So, is Cactus a legit name for a person?

Why yes, I did had to read that twice.

Oh Hortense! how I miss her!

I agree, it's condescending.

Ha! I know exactly what you are talking about. I just have good memory (and I don't go to many parties, so when I do I usually remember the names).

Yes to the no on Kristin Davis dress. Girl you are not 13 (the age limit I will forgive for wearing that).

I think id all of us will gathered all the fuck we give about Adam-who?-Carolla, it will sum up to exactly none. So let's just carry on.

Look I totally get what you're saying but the racism in Israel won't stop even if the US will stop throwing money here (which I don't particularly like, that money goes to fancy fighter plains not education).

That's the thing. It got YOU American talking. In Israel it was just a buzz that no one care about. You can't fix our problems. And don't get me wrong the racism and xenophobia that is going on here is sickening and depressing, to the seemingly small group of humanists that are still here.