I had those! they were super awesome!
I had those! they were super awesome!
You are right, he was awesome in This Life, that show was so good in general. But when he became Steve, I forgot all about him as Miles. He was so much more Steve than he was Miles. Anyway, I was being hyperbolic...sorry...
I was a multi-interest girl. I loved playing with Barbies and stuffed animal and create stories, but when it came to Lego I just wanted to build stuff. Why don't they just make it more generic and let the kids develop their own imagination? too risky ah?
Oh Steve (Jack Davenport, whatevers)...I always had a soft spot for you. I refuse to learn his new characters' names. He is Steve to me.
It was 35 years ago, herd of puppies ruled the earth.
Thanks! Yes, it was another baby that her parent left with this herd of puppies...
well I was babysitted by dogs and I turned out just fine!*
From the Greens it just go worst and worst. so much ugly. Kim K - I'm looking at your boots.
Oh mine also wake me up if he needs a hug! it's equally cute and annoying.
Maybe he's mad at you for living the house. I have two cats that I took with my former roommate. When we split our way I took the cats cause we didn't want to split them as we initially planned because they are siblings and really connected to each other. Anyway, till this day 3.5 years after, when ever she come to…
True. and also Barbara shawl is fucking pretty! I wouldn't have left it at home either.
I have to say that fresh pomegranate juice is amazing and can be freshly squeezed for your pleasure in most of Middle East's main streets. I have to show my Middle Eastern privilege here ans snark on the flavor varieties. snark snark.
Sometimes, fucking is the only answer.
Well even people without a bikini can have a bikini body. they just use it differently. be more inclusive!
This Tom Hardy, he's pretty easy on the eye, isn't he?
I really want Martha's shoes, even though this woman scares the shit out of me. SO maybe I want shoes like hers, but not hers.
Me too! I'm self conscious about it already...
Your grams is super human! man I want all that qualities, cause just like you I sweat like a bloody horse and you can rent me as a mosquito bate for parties.
Look I'm the first to admit I hate rich people (it's not a jealousy thing, it's a class thing), but girlfriend over here have more money than anyone needs and she use it to promote art? hooray her! That's totally awesome and exactly what I would have done in her situation (that I'll never be in and don't wish to be in)