
"Well. My intention was for Nora’s story to be the bridge that brought her and Kevin back together, and its truthfulness is irrelevant. That was the intention."
— Damon Lindelof, co-creator and co-writer of The Leftovers…

Closed Captions can be your friend. Plus, it helps greatly with off-screen dialogue, phone conversations, TV and radio broadcasts, identifying sound effects and even sometimes identifying the music.

Grab them by the pussy.
— Donald J. Trump

Far worse than Negan is Carl's hair.
Someone please, pretty please, cut his hair so he doesn't look like girl from a '70s sit-com.

Yeah baby, torture porn, right there on TV!
As if watching Donald Trump for the last year wasn't enough to make you vomit and question humanity we have a show for just you.

Nitpick time.
Carrie, Job and Brock drive out of the drug blow-up scene in Proctor's 2016 Mercedes-Maybach S600 - not some Lincoln.
As Brock says, "This is a very nice car."

Wrap-up movie? Please.
Use your imagination.
Just like a good book or movie the story makes you think and you can continue the story.
Just as in real life, you meet people at a random point in time, get to know them for a while and more often than not their story continues without you.
So it goes.

Funny how people forget that the title of the show is "Shameless."
It's fiction and a farce people. It's comical how some around here take it so seriously and deep dive into all the little nuances. There aren't any, it's Shameless!

Does it make me a bad person if I wish someone would plunge a kitchen knife into the side of Daisy's head?

Probably the same idiot that Rick used to talk to on the prison phone for way too many episodes.

Why does anyone think Glenn is dead?
The dead-things-that-walk were just munching on fresh kill Nicky boy. Duh.

Someone please shoot Morgan in the fucking head already. Pretty please. With sugar on top.

But it's Showtime. They always - always - keep characters around far longer than they should and they just can't end a show either. Everything drags on. And on. And on.

The tired old vest reveal is right up there with all the gun 'cocking' sounds when a gun is pointed at someone.

Actually, it's the VP of Tits.
I have his business card.

At least now the right side of Shireen's face matches her left side. So there's that.

'The dwarf lives until we find a cock merchant.'

Plenty of hookers and blow. You're invited. And bring Tyrion along.

Nope. Green screen continuity issues.

I heard that Ramsay got a hold of him. It wasn't pretty.