M Stenbæk

Yeah, I was a little confused by that too. I guess some people have had problems with the occasional randomness of him, but I think I’ve only had to redo the Wolnir once in all my playthroughs. Seems like most of the people that are having problems are running in with two phantoms and are unable to take down his

high lord wolnir is universally regarded as one of the easiest bosses in the game. still impressive as hell, but your first sentence is misleading for dark souls noobs.  there are a lot of infamously hard bosses and this aint one of them by a long shot.

Some Alternate titles for this article:

A writer saw an interesting thing in a game and pitched a discussion piece about it. This is something that’s always been in the games; it’s acknowledged among fans (myself included) and worth writing about.

Oh, come on. The writer loves the series, dislikes this aspect of it, writes a piece that explains what happens in the games and what might be behind it.

Part of what Ario is exploring in this piece is why this happens in these games—the extent to which it is elements of the community, the content of the games, the culture of game difficulty, etc. Plenty of possible factors. As Ario also points out, most of the messages in the games aren’t like this.

I’m glad to see a high profile article on this subject, because this has been always been the worst aspect of these games and is a major reason I never bother reading other player’s messages past the first week or two of release. The worst part is those consistently see higher ratings than actual helpful messages or

I am working to implement some of the changes that the community is asking for. It is a more complicated process than you might think, but rest assured that I am on it.

Honest question. Why won’t you bring back Gamer Cat? And remove Nerd Rage? I’m genuinely puzzled why this isn’t happening, despite all the weekly requests for it, and would like to know the reasoning behind it.

I’m amazed at how controversial the statement of “If you invent something, you should probably get credit/acknowledgement for it” apparently is, but that’s my fault for once again underestimating Gamers.  

I have some pretty big ontological questions about framerates and patches.

Nearly every week. Even when it’s not great it’s inoffensive.

Mmediocrity is the real spice of life. Everything else is hype and nostalgia for life before 30.

It just wasn’t anything special

AwkwardZombie wins this week, I think.

LOL I like how Tim is the first one to acknowledge the camera and speak to it, sometimes he moves a little bit like a Muppet which is fucking awesome.

The World Cant

My mom told me he wraps packages or something. He also works in telemarketing.

I just love it when things get popular and everyone and their dog is chiming in.

I don’t see why his being flabby bears any relation to his being a worthless sack of crap.