
Thank you for acknowledging how so many people were condemning her. I was disgusted when I saw how people were trying to dig into her background by pulling up old social media posts that might have people questioning her character. And the “husband” of hers is a piece of work.

Well, if you dont know the story (and it seems you dont) this dude slipped something in her drink. Wait, did you just go on that long, unnecessary diatribe in order to justify rape?

Chuck Berry took an underage girl across state lines though. Underage girls cannot really consent.

Rent is a long term expense. You may be able to save for the deposit, but after that theres no way someone could save money for an indefinite expense. You may be able to save for a vacation or a car, but not rent.

You lamented nothing but FACTS. I couldn’t have said this better myself.

Many of these children are emulating their parents.

Dont hoteps also claim to be the original, true Asiatic” black people, or is that another group?

We cant afford to wait for someone to fight for us. We need for people for STOP listing all the reasons they dont vote, and actually go out and vote. We need to galvanize.

This photo of Parker in the hot pink and red coat is EVERYTHING!

Um, candy corn is so NOT good. Who ever invented it should be mocked and shamed. I can’t. I just CANNOT.

No apologies necessary. Thank you for speaking your truth.

Where did she get the money to fly all the way over to England? Why is she trying so hard to see Meghan? What does she want?

Is that documentary about Anthony Sowell, or was it another case altogether?

Your friend is 100% correct. One of my college professors told us many years ago that an all female jury is a rape prosecutor’s worst nightmare. She posed the question: If youre a prosecutor in a rape case who dont you want on the jury? We said men, people who are deeply religious, a relative of a rape suspect... S

“A couple of the women jurors told my friend that she did a good job and that they “hope she gets him next time.”

Thank you so much for this.

Name a dude hotter than Bobby between 1988 - 1993?

Fresh and Right On magazines were poppin back in the day.

Im so glad that somebody had the guts to run against McColluch. We had been stuck with him for over two decades and we were finally able to vote his ass out. I’m not surprised by his sentiment at all.

This has always been the case though. It’s a shame and down right hurtful when there’s no reciprocity.