
Oh yes there has. Cardi gets quite a bit of heat on social media. She’s been called illiterate, mentally challenged, a strip hoe, overrated, and untalented.

You pretty much nailed it. Thank you so much, glad to know I’m not alone on this.

The Rapping Duke??? For real? Aretha Frankliiiiiiiinnn

So did I. And to make matters worse they lied about it.

Of the eight cities he had booked, six were cancelled.

Do you have the proof the Barry said that? If they had given their permission why would they have the marriage anulled?

Aaliyah’s parent DID NOT give permission for their daughter to marry R. Kelly. Her marriage license was forged. When they found out they made them annul the marriage immediately. No charges have held up in court because R. Kelly paid (and possibly threatened) the victims to drop the charges.

They are constantly in battle; they don’t have time pin their hair up, or roll it up in a nice bun.

I’ve been disgusted with St. Louis for quite a while. I’d really like to relocate. Any suggestions?

I’m dead.

So, he can’t stand Melissa Harris Perry, Angela Rye and now you. Well at least he’s aimed his vitriol toward a man this time. From what I can see “Dr.” Boyce Watkins offers something for everyone: A black business school that will guarantee financial freedom for the underserved (for the low, low price of $3,000 that

Oh. My. Goodness. I love Quinta. I would love to see her have her own Netflix show, or something. We need to get her on The Breakfast Club so that the world can get acquainted. I want to see her do what Issa Rae did.

Patriarchy and misogyny are not exclusive to men, but it is men who indoctrinate such ideologies. Many women, especially black women, internalize patriarchy in hopes of gaining acceptance and protection. They don’t realize they are doing this to their own detriment.

I have a natural mistrust of men in general based on childhood perception. But black men in particular seem to be the most caustic when it comes to their views on black women. It’s a relief to know that someone else has noticed this as well. Most black women I know will eagerly go hard for black men when it comes time

It is so unfortunate that you cannot see the point of this piece. The issue here is that black women experience binary discrimination; therefore leaving them with two battles to fight. White woman only have one battle and are often indifferent to the racial struggles black women face. Also, black women are often