
In EVE, it uses a system in which you can use the in-game currency to purchase more game time (But, it requires hours of grinding to do so), so thus by making it F2P all that they are doing is removing the part where people have to put money back into the game if they go inactive for a period of time.

Yes, however the reason why YouTube is so compelling is because it allowed people who’s concepts wouldn’t of been able to be passed as a TV show to, well, do it. An example of such a show is Ahoy’s videos. His videos are a series of serious documentaries about real life events, weapons, so on, and how they relate and

When said developers promised an entire different game than what would later ship whilst taking said money, then yes.

Bastion & Transistor.

No? They are releasing the forge tools for free on PC, with a confirmation that the maps and PC mode will not be available for any form of matchmaking outside of one’s friends list.

But they also bring more to light than would of been seen before. This way, we actually know about the games existence and CAN get pissy at Microshaft for taking it down.

Halo or Garrysmod

I don’t know how he plays into the entire story, but all that I do know is that (unless I missed something) bastion isn’t in OW and the game isn’t cannon

Yeah, enjoy it while it lasts. Soon Nintendo will be hitting this guy with a C&D.

Too bad Riot will fail the lawsuit and end up having to pay the dough for legal fees, as had happened to Blizzard.

In the movie Cars 2 there is an incident involving a fuel brand (pictured above) being targeted by villains for being an eco friendly alternative fuel.


Yeah, Halo 4 was ok, not the best Halo but (IMO) the worst ‘Halo’, if you get what I mean. It wasn’t necessarily about the characters in Halo that made it great, or that made 4 bad, it was more so the player that made it. The fact that YOU where the Master Chief, You where humanities last hope, assisted by interesting

Now he needs to get through New Vegas without being shot.

Or, you know, there is no magical fix to cheating, as everytime they counter the hackers the hackers find a way around the system. They will never go away, no matter how many systems you put in place. The only thing they can do is try to monitor for when new exploit systems appear and try to counter it in some way,

Dude... no. Optimization is not the last step. Optimization should be done whilst the product is being made, not after. When the game is built around un-optimized code, it becomes harder and harder to fix it, as the number of resources depending upon the un-optimized portions become greater, the more things that will

Is 343 doing the designs in Halo Wars 2, or is Creative Assembly doing those?

The screenshots in general look cartoony (not that I’m complaining.)

In counter to that argument, I say that it would be like an artist drawing fan art of some IP, with open commissions. They gain attention from their fan art of said IP, then those people will potentially go on to look at other works by that artist, and maybe even pay to get full works from them.

Neah, before he turned into reaper, he was an Overwatch agent, and the pre-order bonuses where pre-downfall skins for the characters.