The Nesquikening

The biggest star who ever appeared in these movies was killed in the franchise’s very first scene.  I’m not convinced people go to these movies because of the cast.

So you know how in the US even a little sexuality gets a game an M rating? The same is true in Japan for any game that allows killing civillians. In Goldeneye you can kill scientists and in Jet Force Gemini you can kill the civillians.

Paddy McGuinness sounds like a fake Irish name from an episode of The Simpsons. 

And Keanu still walks among us...

The fact that there’s strategy at all sets it above most American game shows.  

There is no problem with Jeopardy the game. The fact that there can be different strategies in playing sets it far above most American TV gameshows. My logic brain prefers going through categories one at a time, but I can see the strategy of finding the Daily Doubles first.

I like to picture myself asking “Hey, am I crazy, or are you talking about Pol Pot?” But I'm sure I'd run out of time.

My family has a favorite story about this kind of thing, I think I have told it here before, but this seems like another good opportunity:

Mate, just say “Ah. Florida.”, shrug, and move on.

I think this was also the one that pretended all Worf’s development on DS9 never happened? He’s back in starfleet instead of being an ambassador or whatever.

I know it’s hardly out of character where TNG is concerned, but I will never not hate it just for the whole mind-raping Troi thing alone.

I remember that period well.

I think I agree. It’s worse than STV, and that’s saying something. The only Trek film that gives me pause is Into Darkness.

Worst Trek, and there’s some stiff competition down there.

Tom Hardy’s on-set behavior aside, Shinzon really is a terrible villain. One step above a low rank Bond villain. His actions in Nemesis only make sense if you act like he doesn’t really want to invade the Federation and is trying to sabotage himself at every opportunity.

“You won’t find my holographic projector, so

Hardy was pretty deep into a drug addiction at the time, if I recall, so that’s not surprising. Glad he got past it, and by all accounts he was far from the biggest issue with that movie behind the scenes (*cough* Stuart Baird *cough*)

What is the milkshake in this scenario, and who drinks it?

I own the Criterion of Akira Kurosawa’s Tonight Show Cue Card Guy. Toshiro Mifune’s amazing in the title role.

OT5? Damn that’s a long hockey game.

No, it’s specifically a rejoinder to “nobody liked him then or now” - an easily falsifiable statement.