The Nesquikening

Trump was on his show after the Access Hollywood tape, after mocking the disabled reporter, after assault allegations, after comments on immigrants, etc etc. Fallon never should have had him on the show, and if he was forced to he didn’t have to be so friendly and playful. Trump won by such tiny margins, it’s not

Rolling Stone says the publication contacted more than 80 current and former employees of Fallon, and none agreed to go on the record about their experiences or had positive words for Fallon.

First they came for the mediocre comedians, but I said nothing, for I was too busy trying to think up jokes to write in A.V. Club comments.

Though he would know better than most, hasn’t that always been the case? Haven’t fans of art house cinema always been in the minority?

Sounds familiar.

conan o’brien always said he wanted his late night show to feel like pee wee’s playhouse. like anything could happen at any moment.

Every once in a while, a work of art comes along that’s so influential you’re able to divide popular culture into before and after that work. That’s what Reuben’s created with Pee-wee.

Without Pee-wee’s Playhouse there’d be no Simpsons to Nicktoons. Even today, you can still feel the kind of energy and postmodern humor

Dude was brilliant in every role. Even his turn in the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer elevated a largely forgettable movie. It’s a shame all his talent was overshadowed by the fact that he pulled pud in a smut house.

The key to doing good satire is a nice solid twist of the knife at the end to really drive home the point. If you just do the fake nonsensical ramblings, it just comes off as regular nonsensical rambling.

I love You’ve Got Mail, not so much because of the love story, but because how it captures a very specific sense of late 1990s culture. The Internet, long the domain of nerds and academics, was finally becoming mainstream, big chain bookstores like Borders and Barnes & Noble were putting small indie stores out of

Strictly speaking, the simulation hypothesis isn’t any kind of scientific theory. It’s untestable and unfalsifiable, at least at our current technological levels. Critics quite rightly liken it to religion, even if that’s not really a valid comparison either, since most religions are primarily about committing to an

Leprechaun does rap in one of his movies — but Freddy also had a whole LP where he talked over songs, was officially on a Fat Boys song, and unofficially on a Will Smith one. And Freddy hosted Freddy’s Nightmares. I grant there’s some competition, but I THINK he has the edge.

My Name is Earl (2006 vs Mulaney’s 2014) is an AA show without the alcoholism, just the amends. I mean, where do you think the name comes from!? “Hi, my name is X, and I’m an alcoholic...” — right?

Ube is a purple sweet potato from Asia. It’s delicious, but if they’re making jelly-equivalents out of it, no surprise that it’s made very differently than your grandma’s (mass-produced, factory-made) jelly.

I don’t know that the context is really complete, and I’m not actually sure that the Brooklyn Museum is underfunded, even if it is under-attended. A lot of the museum’s social justice focus comes from the fact that, unlike a lot of the better-known museums in Manhattan, which are typically in affluent white

In fairness and empathy, I should mention that it’s always been hard for them to attract attention and funding when world-class museums like the MoMA, the Met, and the Guggenheim are just a 45 min subway ride across the river in Manhattan. It doesn’t see much tourist traffic for that reason. That’s a tough situation

The Brooklyn Museum has been a sad place for years now.

You’re telling me. I’ve never once looked at the price of grapes. Grabbed a bag yesterday without thinking and it ended up being $11.50!

I’m not sure he was small time - he was on the Tonight Show, he traveled quite a bit to do shows around the country, back and forth to Atlantic City. He was well enough known that NBC sent people to see him and sign him to do the pilot. It’s not like he was kicking around the NYC scene only.

If Avril was into a D&D Boi I could’ve D8'ed her!