The Nesquikening

I read this literally, and for a moment I thought you were trying to change the subject—like when they used to post a “Reasonable Discussions” article on Wednesdays, as a sort of open thread?

I’ve never heard that, and didn’t make that connection. Granted, I’ve probably seen fewer than six episodes of Friends, but I did watch the Ferris Bueller show when it aired, and saw Aniston in Leprechaun a week or two after it debuted on HBO. That’s a really good catch.

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True story: once, when I was high as fuck, I decided Ms. XCX blamed it on my love. And I was like, “WTFudge? How does this crazy ***** even know I love her?”

With the possible exception of a certain (defunct?) cigarette brand, I’m pretty sure I always think of Robert Guillaume when reading the name “Benson.

Pff, Deadline? With Oliver Platt? And Bebe Neuwirth? Cancelled after five episodes, and modeled after the fucking New York Post? I wouldn’t take anything they say too seriously.

Presumably this is the first in a twelve-part series, and we can still expect “Showtime makes no time for Rowling,” “Comedy Central says: J.K., Fuhgeddaboutit,” and “G4 doesn’t give a damn about house elves.”

I’ve been reading this website for a little over a decade

I get what you’re saying (“Dumbledore was gay, y’all, srsly”), but didn’t Magnitude on Community transfer to Greendale from Hogwarts? Am I imagining that?

Agreed. I think I started coming to this site because of Amelie Gillette (whose column I knew from the print edition), and she was great; but compared to O’Neal, her routine could feel a bit like a late night talk show host’s monolog. O’Neal was a virtuoso.

That’s awesome, though. I once met Peter S. Beagle, who wrote The Last Unicorn, and he just seemed sad, possibly because I told him I hadn’t quite gotten around to reading The Last Unicorn. (Update: I have still not read it.)

I’d be careful about context, though. Letting one rip in an empty corridor, for example, might seem like a perfect opportunity; but who’ll be there to appreciate your bracing wit? So? Maybe best to save it for the crowded elevator.

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I got that beat. I used to leave The Critic on loop when I went to sleep (something like white noise, ya know?), and I probably caught their Alien 3 parody at least once a week.

Nicky Hilton Nicole Richie was very funny on Great News, so I’m willing to give Paris the benefit of the doubt. Or maybe I just don’t care.

it was one of the only things on the page that demonstrably took place after like 1960 or 1980.

I’ve never been a fan of people retroactively saying they never liked an artists worked after they get cancelled.

for frustrated office workers it was a stress outlet.

Haha! But I don’t think of it as a blog.

I’m trying to remember now why I ever thought Dilbert was funny, and literally all I’m getting is “The TTP Project.” Hell, maybe he is some kind of master persuader.

I’ve never seen it (and I’m a proud New York native!), but I think the AV Club may have covered it back in the day—and you can be damn sure they acknowledged Garlin’s exit. But yes, I have the distinct impression it was much like The Middle (remember The Middle?—it wasn’t bad!) but set in the 1980's, so, easily

No! Lennox has class, kicks ass—maybe walks on broken glass. But Lilly? Just stabs herself in the foot.