The Nesquikening

the idea in the first season that making a PC-clone was near the start of home computers instead of all the actual pre-IBM home computers...

They should’ve called this Joker: Bad Romance. Unless!...Is this one of those multiversal situations? Is there another Harley Quinn, played by the collective Fallout Boy? ‘Cause I think that’d be strange! Are they...even...still a thing?

Phil Hartman tops this list for me, because he was still in his prime. (Candy was younger—but like Dan Aykroyd and Chevy Chase, I wrote him off after Nothing but Trouble. Which is a terrible thing to say—unless you’ve seen Nothing but Trouble.)

Are you like that in theaters, too? “This should be a porno! And this should be a porno!” Because I assure you: there’s very little the projectionist can do to help.

They may have technically been Rare (rather than Nintendo) games, but I’m pretty sure each of the original Donkey Kong Country titles debuted at $70 on the SNES. I believe this was in part because they had special hardware included on the cartridges.

Just give us the musical retelling, already, with two victims/killers who—surprise surprise!—have been secretly stalking each other all along: I Know What You Did in the Good Old Summertime.

Interesting. Because aside from this nonsense about the “AV Club”? That’s exactly what I said about Frasier in 1993.

I don’t know. I agree that Buffy doesn’t work without her—but Diaz and Lopez have their strengths, too. Would be nice to see her get another role to fuckin’ own, though.

Holy shit, you guys are running the gamut here—I seriously don’t know what to think. I mean, I’m pretty sure Worf (son of Mogh) >>>>> Dorf (who did go fishing)....but other than that? I’ll be damned.

Maybe it’s a chemistry joke? Like, hear me out... A bond can be an adhesive—right? So, maybe there’s something that qualifies as “sucking” going on there, with the initial contact—you know? Or...maybe in the drying stage? Some science jokes are pretty stupid like that.

Fuckin’ Anna Sorokin. Is she going to be hosting this from Studio 60, or the Newsroom? And, how many rants about bloggers and the majesty of Sting’s pan flute can we expect?

I liked his earlier films (Memento in particular), but The Dark Knight Rises was one of the most depressing filmgoing experiences I’ve ever had—I genuinely felt like a worse person after seeing it. I finally tried to watch Inception just recently (so I could better appreciate Betty White’s appearance on Community),


That would be sad. I’m not even sure I’ve ever listened to a song of his in its entirety, but he seems like such a harmless doofus—possibly even Canadian. Let’s hope he’s okay.

It’s sloppy—but that’s how they roll these days, e.g. calling most revivals “reboots.” At least here, you could argue they’re using an outdated term, rather a more modern term incorrectly, since (and correct me if I’m wrong) wasn’t Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom a “sequel,” once upon a time?

It’s so weird. I’d be really curious to get a look at the AV Club’s current stylebook—or the stylebook of any outlet that thinks “reboot” is the correct term here. Because they’re not the only one.

It has an awful lot going for it, doesn’t it? Personally, I’m still pissed at Peacock for nixing Saved by the Bell, but...I dunno...are torrents still a thing?

David Fincher and Sarah Polley didn’t choose her because she’s rich.

(I tried to edit this with the standard “Hot Lukewarm Whatever take:” preface—but I guess I was too late? So let’s call it a packet of Mild Szechuan Sauciness.)

Lukewarm take: It’s a super-smart show that got bored of itself long before it even went into production, hates its viewers above all else, and does whatever it can to punish them for giving marginally more of a shit about anything than they do. (Disclaimer: the last time I checked in was maybe 2-3 years ago.)