You know, you say that now, but I could totally see the interview in the future...
You know, you say that now, but I could totally see the interview in the future...
Thankfully it was a Playstation controller. Joystick placement would be a little depressing for the 360 version.
I play 40k and haven't even tried Fantasy, so if that's what you're talking about I don't know how much I'd help.
From what I played of it, I'd wait for it to go on sale. It was...okay, but seemed like a $5 or $10 (USD) rather than the $15 I believe they're asking for.
I like how you wrote this in Xbox 360 like letters. Really helped get the point across.
Stop posting these! You keep making me load up Warband.
Horribly random, but my local blood institute has started encouraging me to donate platelets because of my high platelet count, so I'm going to go try to do that tomorrow. It's going to take about two hours, but I don't know much about what to expect.
The fact Ice T thinks at all is news to a lot of us.
Take a life? How would killing someone help anything?
Heh. That was pretty cute, actually. Mixing up "you" with "your" bugged the crap out of me until he said he was from Germany, though.
I did see that, but I'm not sure what I want to believe more. If it was all set up to seem that way, that means it's more than likely that Bioware did this intentionally to sell DLC later. If it wasn't intentional, then they really just rushed the end of the game to hell.
*Obvious Spoilers*
And I spit water all over my keyboard. Totally missed his name until you said that.
That bird looks lost. Poor bird. (4:22).
"Why, as a matter of face, we do."
Thank the gods for the Post Office. I hear they're even delivering to Sto Lat now for ten pence!
Yep! If you already have it, there's no reason not to play it. It was just so refreshing to play a good 3D platformer again, and all the characters were memorable and charming. Totally worth a playthrough.
There are a few free games to play that are pretty fun. Tons of MMO's, but the better free shooters out right now are Tribes: Ascend (still in beta, technically, but everything carries over to release and it's still incredibly fun) and TF2.
Eh, I didn't really think it was done that well until the end. I probably wouldn't have given it a like, either.