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So, for some reason, my post in the tips section isn't working. So I'll just leave this here.

This. A hundred times this.

I'm totally going to be a butt and say that I didn't like either of them all that much, and I'm not one hundred percent as to why this is. The scares were a bit predictable, and the games had some huge "what the hell" moments (more in Dead Space 2, where my favorite was when a chair tipped over and hit a glass window

Not entirely true. Off the top of my head, Louis from Left 4 Dead is not, as well as Alan Wake and Marcus Fenix(Phoenix? Feenie?).

Francis York Morgan! Totally did not see that coming. These are all avatar-worthy.

Oh! Okay, that's what I was looking for. Sorry if I came off as rude, I just wasn't sure what you wanted feedback on.

Honestly? I have no idea. If I had to guess, they were trying to be close to the front of the huge wave of games coming in. Gears of War was released a week or two after.

I missed the question in this. What were you wondering about?

Space Marine didn't charge anything for their the Exterminatus (co-op) DLC, at least on the PS3. The Co-op mode was fairly buggy and could not be released when the game came out, as evidenced by their having problems and not releasing it on the 360 at the same time as the others.

Yeah, I have the 250 GB slim, haven't changed it since I got it.

There was one section later in the game where the audio cut off on me for an entire minute. I wasn't sure if this was the games fault or if it was the fact that I had just had a power surge a moment before. I also get random bits where the screen goes black for a second then goes back to normal, usually during

One thing I noticed is that every professor I had to write a paper for ever always loved it if I made a random idea. So try to go for something they wouldn't expect.

Chrome but no AdBlock!? You should get on that.

That last line, while I know it's horrible for me to laugh at, still had me laughing for a good minute.

, <—- New research shows that everyone who isn't excited for Uncharted 3 is in one of these.

Okay, more of those Uncharted 3 Early-Multiplayer Codes.

There's another one!? The first one was bad enough. When I cut off all of the heads but the last one, it would just keep turning and attacking somewhere a mile away from me for almost no reason. I had to shoot the body down the rest of the way.