
That sounds so cool. Now I’m seriously debating buying the first one with that amazon money they gave everyone. I apparently will have the whole summer to do absolutely nothing.

I know, that’s why I said that crime was no respecter of persons. By militant atheists I meant people who will argue with you for days trying to convince you that everything about your existence is a lie made up to control the masses. If there is a science website or big science news, I have to make sure I don’t roll

I do, I really need a placeholder until my Chinese food comes and I fall into a deep food coma. Thanks buddy!

I’m pretty sure murder is not a respecter of persons. We seem to be different wavelengths though because I have no clue how you got any degree of homicide from what I said.

I’ve met a few who will bring up religion out of nowhere just to convert religious people by way of arguing with them and belittling them. Almost like Bill Maher but worse.

You completely missed my point. I was saying that atheists act like christians seriously don’t know shit from dirt. It’s not that you can only believe in theories or believe there is a god. Honestly every time I see anything about science there are a good chunk of comments saying “oh wait until the bible thumpers come

Probably should have just said it was anecdotal because I’ve only met one person who thought the world was 6,000 years old.

Thanks for giving me something to do for a few hours. I’ll creepily look through her crazy shit while she continues to live in delusionland.

I have yet to personally meet a christian who says science is the devil’s work, and therefore a blatant lie. If that were the case, there’d be millions and millions more negligent homicide cases based on people (christians) flat out refusing medical care for their kids based on the fact that everything a hospital has

That’s a good idea, my library even offers books in ebook form just ready for a kindle. The sad thing is, they have a rule about renewing your card when you turn 21 and I’m two weeks away from 24, I would have to pay the fee to get a new card. I’m seriously that broke right now, I’ve been job hunting so long that I

Not sure if it’s arrogant, it’s more like some weird paternal/maternal instinct goes in and you want to save a baby. 2007/08 was my season of stupidity. At one point I went with my NATO brat friend to a beach in Greece. We were waking along the shoreline and there was a huge crowd looking at something. It was a

Casting Matthew McLastname as Randall Flagg seems meh to me. I just can’t take him seriously because I watched Dazed and Confused a million times when I was a preteen. However, I haven’t read the Dark Tower series (sadly I don’t have enough money for books and won’t for a while) but I was greatly intrigued by him in

I feel like this weird bullcrap about religion hating science is mainly coming from annoying militant atheists who generalize way too much about the feelings, intelligence, and passions of those of us who do worship a god. I’m sorry, but you can’t try to act like you’re superior because you believe you’ll stop

I was going to surprise my mom with two tattoos. I was just going to make the appointment and the day of the consultation I’d take her there and pay for them. I’m still probably going to do it if I find a great artist who has experience and is skilled with working on hot chocolate colored skin (aka, darker skin) and

I have never felt more insulted on the unrequested behalf of an ethnic group that isn’t mine. My first thoughts were why is the starbucks mermaid in there, why are there crosses (I grew up being told dreamcatchers were not really of god, to put it the nice way), and why are there birds flowing out of the feathers?

I went a month without washing my hair the last time I was in Europe (during a very hot summer). It only got slightly greasy a day or two before I had a chance to bathe long enough to get through it all. It smelled like old pennies, but again, that didn’t start until it got greasy.

1. I almost feel like more semen isn’t really needed. If anything, I’d rather have less of a guy’s mess to clean up.

This just an assumption the guys I know that make that demand watch a lot of porn (not like there’s much wrong with that) and they want to have porn sex which includes having the body of a porn star. Again, that’s just my assumption because they want to try the weirdest things that would definitely give me a nasty

Two guys I was interested in had problems with piercings. One said he’d be disgusted if I got anything below my lips pierced, the other said he actually left a one night stand as things were getting hot and heavy because she had a very personal (probably painful) piercing. I seriously put off piercing my nose again

How is it frightening? Maybe it’s because I don’t think there’s such a thing as over sharing (unless someone is about to commit a crime/confess to me, because I refuse to go to jail for being an accessory). I mean, me and my friends go underwear shopping together, we strip down to change into bathing suits or just