
It’s the dead eyes. Sure, there’s the fact that she’s morphing into Kim, but I definitely think the dead eyes are what freaks me out. I mean all of this in the least rude way possible btw.

I dropped out of high school when I was 15 so...I have a lot of emo selfies taken with a digital camera from my freshman year!

It’s weird to defend piracy...but okay.

What’s the difference between stealing music and stealing any physical thing under $500? People who decide to steal music to spite the big bad corporations are so entitled that it’s kind of weird that they don’t recognize it. I’ve been waiting for Frank Ocean’s new stuff for just as long as that guy, but I’m not about

I split my time between Alaska and California, and the one time I went through a national park I was afraid for my life. That damn siri decided to divert us from a 13 minute delay on the way out of Las Vegas. Instead of driving through California (the normal way), we had to go all the way up Nevada in areas where I

I hope that the majority of the bugs went on that asshole kid.

What am I missing? Because this just looks like a creepy endoscopy to me. I’m in my mid 20's and I’ve probably had too many camera tubes shoved up either end at this point in my life, but I have no problem with this. Just knock me the hell out so I don’t see what my insides look like/gag for what feels like a million

Some weird, state pride thing in me wants to tell you that Alaska always and forever win any ranking because we have so many. I took my aunt on a fjords tour through Kenai and took some pictures. It looked like we were headed to Jurassic Park. Glaciers, whales, cute little otters that aren’t crazy, other animals,

The hell? How is anything less than 6 days “too long” for a trash can to be left out? I will take that smelly crap at 4 pm the day before (noon the day before if it’s winter...I get literally less than 5 hours of daylight) and leave it out anywhere from noon-4pm the day after. I’m not going out in the creepy Alaskan

I sadly have to disagree with the gym intimidation. I think almost 100% of the time people either don’t give a rat’s ass or they will be helpful with tips and encouragement. Unfortunately, I’ve had to blast my earbuds to tune out annoying teenage girls going on and on about how it was gross that I was sweating and

I am now very lost. She looks like she’s 12 in the picture. Maybe it’s because I grew up with a single mom and for all but six years of my life we either couldn’t afford two beds (or hell, a two bedroom apartment), or I was too sick to sleep alone without there being concerns. I just don’t see the problem with her

My mistake/misunderstanding and thank you for the clarification.

Just from the perspective of a former super morbidly obese person. I gained over 100 pounds in a very short amount of time because of medicine with terrible metabolic side effects and dislocating my knee twice in less than six months. I was terrified of going back to the gym, and walking hurt because I could barely

I’m just confused because the kids don’t seem to age. What the hell is going on there?

Lifelong Alaskan’s unasked for opinion: I spent an extended amount of time in California recently and thought the people were rude as hell. That’s just based on the fact that Alaska is a bizarre children’s show land where people honestly do strike up random conversations with strangers in the store, hold doors for

My first rabbit was a dwarf something or another. When we got him he was only two or three times that big. At one point (after he became a full adult), he fell asleep in my bra cup that was on the floor, it was apparently the best place to fall asleep in. I never wore that bra again.

There really is no place like home. Maybe there is, but I’m not about to willingly go there. I feel like a lot people don’t notice how exciting Alaska is. We have earthquakes, active volcanoes, hot springs, northern lights, tall mountains, and of the heavy weight of shame that comes along with the Palin’s living here

Seeing an Inside Out sequel in the mind of serial killer would be so cool. I’d be there opening night. I have a feeling the theater would be full of adults, and those adults would start side eyeing/thinking “what if...” and then shoving that thought to the back of their mind.

I almost feel semi attached to New Horizons because the Pluto flyby was on my birthday. Now I have some extra stuff to be excited about for 2019!

And that’s really a shame. Science is incredible and amazing. It inspires and motivates me. I know I might be in a minority when it comes to loving science, but I just think it’s amazing. Hopefully everyone will figure it out sooner or later.