
You are a disgusting coward. Fuck you.

If you had asked me that when I was a new mother, I would have told “mommy porn” would be me watching someone else (anyone- I have no standards) clean my house, do laundry and change diapers while I rest for just one fucking minute.

You’d like to think that, but no. It’s not just a bunch of kids who don’t know better yet. It’s an endemic problem to a heteronormative, racist, misogynist white patriarchy. It’s not a few bad apples spoiling the barrel. The orchard is rotten.

why not both? the cute kid said.

Emma Stone gets nailed twice of course, being both a woman and Asian.

God forbid any white person speak out against this shit. If we do, we’re traitors, don’t know what we’re talking about, and if you’re a woman, you’re just a ‘nigger lover’ and hate white men. And if you’re an atheist, you’re just as bad as those damn *insert whatever racist term is hip at the moment* and should be

Trails in the Sky 3rd, the sequel to FC and SC, will be out for PC on May 3, publisher XSEED said today. They’re also bringing Cold Steel and Cold Steel II to PC in the future. For more on this convoluted, incredible RPG series, read this primer.

Fuck you and all neoliberal scum. Talk tough about dropping bombs on people behind your fucking Macchiato from Starbucks.

The idea that race isn’t by itself a determinative factor of criminality is liberal bullshit now? I’m not about to go down that rabbit hole and get into an internet argument about correlation and causality with a stranger from /r/T_D.

Jumping in to stress, if there are those who wish to argue it, that this is not “criticism.” Criticism is measured and well considered. Criticism makes an argument. Criticism makes a case. Criticism comes from a position of good faith and respect.

If there’s any need for evidence that feminism still has quite a ways to go to become truly intersectional, one should look no further than this comment section. TERFs abound, more interested in the oppression olympics than liberating one another.

Julian Assange is always watching...

Is anyone going to cosplay the best version of Korra?

Did someone say Steven Universe RPG!?