
Great questions! First, I too am turned off by very fast “twitchy” games. I also don’t play Overwatch or TF2 or Counterstrike for this reason. I know the clips tend to seem very exciting and overwhelming, but I personally am ok with the pace. I can’t give you actually measurements, but Titanfall 2 is not as “fast” as

Great questions! First, I too am turned off by very fast “twitchy” games. I also don’t play Overwatch or TF2 or

actually the evidence based and accepted treatment for trans kids are GnRH blockers to delay puberty so that kids and their families have time to make a decision. outcomes (suicide, physical changes) are better for people who transition younger than those who transition older. puberty blockers allow people to make

No way, in Capcom time the US pulled out of Vietnam in the year 19XX, which made Guile plenty old enough

Because the comment section doesnt understand anatomy.

The best NES-era Double Dragon was River City Ransom.

The Xbox One is getting an update soon, and one of the more interesting changes is the addition of a “copilot” mode, which will let two controllers be assigned to one player. This is great news for disabled and young gamers especially, who can use the feature to assign controls or have someone help them out.


Baseball is the only sport that actually looks like America.

Only in puritanical America would a grown man being aroused by texts from a grown woman while lying next to a sleeping child be construed as that man’s sexual desire for his own son.

Now playing

I think this is a good time to insert Sexplanations, because some Americans need help.

WOOOOOO! You tell em Naitch!

There never was any PC version of this before, right? That means that some specific effort was made to port this. It’s interesting to see Square-Enix bringing Final Fantasy to the PC lately, and it’s encouraging about FFXV (if it’s good.)

Here’s hoping for a Final Fantasy XII port, because that was a personal favorite,


I now own yet another version of Baldur’s Gate! :)

Wat? I didn’t know that either, thanks!

The Lord of Murder shall perish
But in his doom he shall spawn a score of mortal progeny
Chaos will be sown from their passing
So sayeth the wise Alaundo

"She opened her top and showed them her boobs, which Jennifer says were completely covered in 'the most beautiful angels and beautiful butterflies and baskets of flowers in pastel-colored tattoos.'"