
Bad Nintendo. But also kinda of weak move from the Game Awards, I mean, if the added the “nominee for best fan creation”, was it really that hard to see that this might be a conflict of interests? Especially sense they picked two games that already had a DMCA. Either they quickly changed their mind, or Nintendo was

HAH, like you’d have a choice!

not saying it’s rigged, but it is rigged

I think part of the reason people like me can’t take the e-sports competitors seriously is their god damn names. Like, pick a name that doesn’t sound like you made it up in 2001 for your neopets account or as your first MMO name.

That doesn’t make any sense. Why in the world would they have to have identical architecture?

That’s a third version like Platinum or Crystal, this should be the version people care about.

Everyone will still praise it as an 21/10 masterpiece just because his name is on it. Look at MGSV.

What is a “real” game? That hasn’t stopped people from buying millions of copies of Minecraft for their phones, and the various other Square Enix ports of Final Fantasy.

Duel Audio? I appreciate the sentiment, but I kinda feel like duel audio should have already been included. Whatever, I’m a Persona fan but I don’t have this pre-ordered or anything so.... *shrug*

parking a 25 foot trailer in his driveway. did you not read the article?

Eh, no sympathy here. Not gonna pass judgement on them for pirating, but if you’re going to do it at least spend the effort to do it properly.

Since when were paranoia and reason mutually exclusive? He has every reason to complain as this is nothing more than a shitty cash grab.

This is because when a player is promoted after 100 levels, the experience curve resets. While this reset has worked pretty well so far, it’s also encouraged some people to stop playing the game after they’re promoted—hoping to save those first 23 levels for a seasonal event.

Total experience cost for levels 1 through 22, as it currently stands – 292,500

First I thought they left the promotion super fast levels untouched and reduced the travelling to 100 but now there is just no sense of excitement reaching lvl 100, every lvl will be the same with no sense of goal.

And Jeff really thinks people stop to play just so they can get seasonal boxes? Tells more about the

I’m outright confused here, you say that they aren’t making the first twenty three post promotion levels take longer, but 20,000 XP per level is much more than most of those levels took. The breakpoint should be level 19, everything before that takes more XP.

It’s exactly about money. They want people to keep playing. While partly to keep player numbers healthy, it’s mainly because you can’t be tempted to buy loot boxes if you’re not playing.

And we just take this shit at face value? JeffKap said it so it must be true, so sayeth the blind believers? That shit was a change made by Blizzard’s finance team and I’ll be fucked if you get me to believe any different.

“bespoke heritage wear”