
One of these most Over-Hyped Dev/Direct

How stupid are people to play a game really early and then go online

I really do doubt that a majority of even a small percentage of players stop playing entirely when close to getting past level 100+ because of an upcoming event, in it’s entirely this only reduces 8000 xp overall so it’s really like a couple matches of xp. Why not make it more rewarding when you prestige instead of

Every Other Game has been easy to hack and made major money for some of these companies like the GameShark

Another one jeez

Why is there political bias in a gaming website

I really hope this was a joke

720p is low considering most phones and tablets at least support 1080p

A Batarang and an Xbox One Clone

Overwatch in CS GO is a crapshoot when anyone can do it what’s to say any person just convicts everyone

Most of these writers just get most of the stuff they post here off reddit sign me up

They should just start fresh since these two last season the ranks have been invalid, love this post on the forum:

You guys should add to the article that the xbox 360 games from Games with Gold are to keep even after your gold membership expires it’s only the games from Xbox One that you “lose”

I have to ask but are all these websites Pro Hillary or what? I could care less about either of them

Pretty sure they knew since so many of these sites sponsor tournaments and “pro” players and it became such a huge thing in CSGO

I think the Xbox One Controller improves the almost perfect controller for PC which was the original Xbox 360 and it just feels too good to go to the DS4 which feels too small in big hands

I doubt it

Those people are know in the industry as “whales” idk I just feel they less special when you can outright just better chances at something. But yeah I would love achivement based skins

How is it sexualized?

But when they said that these skins were supposed to be rare and unique it loses it when you can outright just buy crates, I think these should be achievement based