
Damn shame, but what a wonderful run. I got to see them way back in '94 when they opened for Urge Overkill and a couple more times since then. That was something special.

Gonna have to give it a few months.

I read this headline and I can't help but picture Alan Thicke, his father and star of Growing Pains, closing his eyes and slowly shaking his head.

Eh, I'll wait til it's on Spotify.

I really wish this was the real Bono. I have…so many questions.

I don't know what was more brutal, the torture sequence or that version of Bohemian Rhapsody.

She should have said "Dont touch my fruit juice, Juice."

And really you have to respect that kind of effort. They don't make polaroids anymore.

Bieber is the King Joffrey of entertainment.

This post is amazing if you read it in the voice of Frank Underwood.

"Maybe you should lower your expectations."

Try watching Chasing Amy with the mom commentary. I couldn't hear the dialog in the park because all I heard was "Oh GOD what IS this?? WHY are you watching this?"

As good as a movie it is it really is a hard sell to newcomers. Or at least examining it is hard. "So this Buckaroo Banzai, what's it about?" "Well, uh, it's about a guy who's a brain surgeon…who's also a musician…and his team are his bandmates…and he also drives a rocket car…"

If you want to be taken seriously you bring along Tommy Lee. I like this Corgan fellow. Always thinkin' ahead.

The world is a vampire set to drain and…

Yeah, it evolved into a Cosmo Kramer by way of Kidd Video thing. That's at least something.

The dog has aged really well. Good for him.

"Mr. Post, I don't think 'opinionation' is a real word."- a concerned Dr. John (not a real doctor)

Bruce Cambell as Bill Maxwell! Am I right, guys? And he has to eat dog biscuits.

This movie is a treasure. The direction is great, the cast is perfect, the songs are wonderful. And Williams even riffs dialog with a baby! That was pretty remarkable.