
I picture God watching whatever Cameron's latest antic and saying. "THIS asshole again?" (Note: God to me says swear words and sounds like Brian Doyle Murray)

I'm sure Jesus is glad to have Mike Seaver in his corner.

Agree 100%, but who'd ever question Williams' acting talent? I hope you took them to task. ;)

The whole movie is brilliant, really. Williams' crying/laughing on the talk show was one of my favorite Williams moments ever. And hanging with Bobcat in the hotel was a nice touch too.

If they call each other by their last names then yeah, I imagine so.

Nice! That's cool. It sounds like FUN TIME. Drum hit!

No kidding. But Helen Mirren has gotten naked in plenty of other things, so it's okay.

The Idiot and Raw Power were my first two Iggy records. So different yet so awesome.

One of my all-time favorites right here. 8 songs, all of them great. Iggy is underrated as a songwriter. His lyrics are just so catchy and memorable. And his live show is unmatched.

My first thought after reading the article: *insert gif of David Cross from Mr. Show flipping the bird and yelling "This is bullshit!"*

Yeah, as soon as I saw no "Nudity" or "Strong Sexual Content" warnings I said "Awww cmahhhn". Because seriously, what's the point?

Between this and the Flowers in the Attic movies Lifetime is on ROLL.

Don't care. This is still my new feel - good anthem. I'm 37. Thank you.

"Awkward White Girl of Privilege"

The finale was basically crap but I give points for the Zeppelin song and for it not being the Dexter finale.

Yeah, that one in particular usually ends in me wanting to hit that person with a chair.

Well, I guess her lips aren't sealed.

Normally I'm okay with Henry but he's just plain wrong on this one. Also it's good rule of thumb to stop listening to someone when they preface a comment with a variation of "Now I'm no doctor/scientist/ expert BUT…."

Billy Corgan mainly exists to me now as a "what weird stuff is he up to NOW?" kind of guy.

The inclusion of 'Seasons' in Man of Steel was a huge surprise. Kind of ingenious really.