
Man, just when this show was at its peaks.

I really do like the idea of Jason's mom thinking that he drowned while he lives and grows up in a shack in the woods literally a mile away.

Looks great but Toonses the driving cat would do less damage as the Enterprise pilot at this point. God or Apollo or someone like that is going to rebuild it for them at the end, right?

I'm just thrilled this song is finally going to be getting some exposure.

"Road trip sex comedy with Kate Upton"? I'm listening.

So that's what happened to the youngest daughter. This whole thing is darker than I thought.

Great article with interesting points. But is Jar Jar really any worse than C3P0 in Empire? Sweet lord almighty yes he is. Jar Jar ate the scenery of every single shot he was in in ways that C3P0 just didn't.

From Russia with Puns

I'm picturing Rooney Mara angrily taking out her nipple rings and flinging them into a drawer upon hearing this news.

Taylor Hanson as Bran Stark. Hahahahahaha

I remember that. Man were the 90s not kind to the Superman universe.

That episode of The Best Show where he was a guest and they make fun of The Gathering of the Juggallos ad is one of my favorite PFT moments ever. Paul and Tom basically laugh uproariously for about 10 minutes. It was beautiful.

I was kind of looking forward to a shaggy-haired Lex Luthor. Ah well, we'll always have Superman IV.

Jesus, McGinley, you're better than this! You too, Majors! I…can't. I just can't. I'll be in my office. *walks into bathroom, the sound of sobbing quietly echoing*

I'm perfectly okay with these "news satire" sites going away forever. Getting anyone's hopes up about a Lebowski sequel is just horrendously cruel. And un-Dude.

The dog barking, and the Quaid's lack of reaction to it, was the funniest/saddest part of the whole thing for me.

So is this next one the Chinese Democracy of books or what?

You can also just pay a dollar to get a burger too. Those seem like an awful lot of hoops to jump through.

Well, if I could change history I would!

Oh fuck my cock. This is gonna be awesome.