
Blue Album for me, sonny boy.

"Hooowaahhhh"- Al Pacino in that movie that one time.

I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to read the rest of that screenplay. Even the title is something special.

Only a half hour for photo ops? Man, Detroit IS in trouble if that's all they could afford.

This album is fantastic. The lyrics are so great and I love her voice. This one and the new Sturgill Simpson have been getting plenty of listens from me.

I hope this doesn't mark the end of the false Batman vs. Superman subtitles in the AV Club articles.

Love me some Arkham but where's the Superman games?

I think this is actually the Supermobile with the battering rams on the side that look like giant fists. I seem to be alone in this theory, though.

"*blank* raped my childhood" really is one of the absolute worst, most idiotic phrases ever. Belittling the horrific act of rape because Transformers wasn't that good? You got to GO. GEEEW.

Hey, whatever keeps him away from making music is a-OK with me.

Matthew Lillard was Shaggy in the same way Christopher Reeve was Superman. It was pretty uncanny, really.

I do genuinely like that he tried a different visual style. It's less "crazy slo-mo" and more "let's make it look like Hancock."

"Superman, what are they doing?"

Someone else remembers this show. High five!

Also, honest question: when was her last good movie?

Seriously Dude, Haunted House

The last minute felt like a Full House episode to me for some reason .

A couple random thoughts I had from the commercials: 1) Kate Upton can do better and 2) this movie will for sure have a prominent diarrhea scene.

That beard really is incredibly hard to look at. Not unlike the show he was on actually.