
I mean, he lists what work he’s referring to. So that’s a pretty stupid question.

It is mind boggling that the SC took up a hypo case, something that should never, ever happen. There was no standing here. It was a what if? It was purely politically motivated to even take the case, just to satisfy the conservative courts benefactors.

i mean it sounds corny on its face but the kind of people he’s talking about get hulk-out mad if you suggest any part of popular culture isn’t for them, so like, i’ll applaud it

Yeah, obviously it’s not gonna change whether people watch his work. And he certainly knows that. But I do appreciate the fact that he’s letting people know where he stands on a hugely important issue. I prefer this, as ineffective as it is (and it really is, obviously, just him venting his frustration and anger), to

On the one hand, yeah, this is just some dumb venting by a celeb that has no effect on any of this whatsoever. On the other hand, I’m so fucking tired of a bunch of ancient, privileged, hypocritical jurists twisting legal doctrine through bizarre pretzel logic to prove there’s actually nothing unconstitutional about

Best bit of criticism for Regarding Henry that I remember reading or hearing (and I wish I could give it proper citation) was that Regarding Henry is a film that successfully argues that the best thing you can do for a Yuppie asshole lawyer is shoot him in the head.

A listicle site that can’t even line up the slide with the movie.

Obv yes.

Yeah, if they were going to list great films he’s been in even if it was just a small role, then they should have included The Conversation, one of the best — arguably THE best — paranoid thrillers ever made. But then, what do we expect of the AV Club now that they’ve degenerated to using an iconic image of Young

This has to be the first time Anchorman 2 has shown up on any “Best of" list.

So is this just a listicle site now? Is that what we’re doing?

I’ve always had a soft spot for Sabrina. I’m a sucker for when he does comic roles, aside from Six Days Seven Nights. 

If y’all have a chance, check out the Director’s Cut of Battlefield Earth.
It’s somehow even worse.

As many of you probably know, 99% of the shots are at a Dutch angle.
My favorite moment is when Travolta is watching Barry Pepper run through hallways on a monitor.

The footage on the monitor is at a Dutch angle, and the

No Heaven’s Gate? Does that mean Santa doesn’t have the budget to bring me a full-size period-authentic working steam locomotive?

Sure, great, whatever. I really just want to know more about Henry Winkler’s bundt cakes, which are also mentioned in the IG story.

I worked with Bill Hader and John Mulaney on a commercial shoot about 13 years ago (Bill insisted Mulaney be hired to help write/pitch jokes) and both of them were as nice and professional and fun to work with as you would hope. 

I don’t think Ishtar is bad exactly, but Beatty and Hoffman are miscast. With Steve Martin and Martin Short it might have worked 

Saw Event Horizon in the theater and fucking loved it. It’s a cornerstone of the “You’re In Space and Everything is Fucked” genre. I didn’t discover till years later it was a flop; I thought everyone loved it as much as I did. To this day my old high school friends and I still murmur to each other libera te tutemet ex

“Pee Drinking Fish Men I Have Known" is is still one of the best titles for anything.