
Apologies for multiposting all over but I just remembered a funny thing that happened when I was younger. My parents had rented a copy of Temple of Doom for me and my brothers and The Last Temptation of Christ for them. When they were walking out the door to return the tapes my dad’s brain made them a portmanteau and

1. Short Round is great.

Thank you for gifting the world with “the grounded realism of face-melting ghosts” and reviving this feature!

if you reframe the series through marion’s eyes it’s truly a horror.

Well whatever you think of his views, at least he picked the right time and place to express them

That’s bad.

The frogurt is also cursed.

Body shaming racist misogynists.  Some in this very comment section. 

For what it’s worth, the issue isn’t just the lawsuits. If that were it, I wouldn’t have much sympathy. But she performed at a Biden fundraiser and now the MAGA people are out for her and you know they’re not gonna love a fat Black woman. 

That’s good!

But it comes with a free frogurt.

I’d like to ask you two questions: 1, where’s the flute, 2, give me the flute.

The scribes at The National Archives say it bears a terrible curse!

Does she have any tattoos that read "The Bart, The" in German?

You spoiled little bastard! You’re a man who has everything, haven’t you, but that’s not enough. You feel unloved, Arthur, welcome to the world. Everyone is unloved. Now stop feeling sorry for yourself.

That’s an obvious lie. He gave positive reviews to multiple slashers. He gave Halloween 4/4 stars. Most slashers are garbage, and giving bad reviews to garbage movies is not “moral panic.”

She’s right, but also... look out, Isabella! *link to article about Martin Scorsese’s thoughts about Marvel movies

I don’t know if this was universal, but in my social circles at least, both Amélie’ and ‘City of Lost Children’ were just the BIGGEST THING EVER for several years. Everyone owned those two movies, everyone loved them, all the little art theaters had them in rotation every month and the soundtracks were played as the

I do not agree with the political views Cleese has expressed with regard to “cancel culture” or anything else at all, but let’s put the brakes on before we start making Idle out to be some sort of hero here. This whole thing started because he is complaining about not having enough money, including a house he sold for

Neil Innes wrote all the music for the Rutles and wound up having to sue Idle to get any SPAMALOT money after Idle used his music there, too, so I don’t imagine the Neil Innes estate will be too keen to let Eric go out and perform his stuff.