
I saw this one the other day. Its a cool concept with some nifty minis. I just dont know if it has that edge to make it take off on KS. It seems like games blow through their starter goal in 24 hours or they barely limp across the finish line with just enough money, if at all.

I still need to watch the series. It’s high on my list of things to watch. I was a big fan of the book, but my wife couldn’t get into it. The book feels more like a collection of interconnected short stories. Much like reading Sandman, the main story was just an excuse to tell these cool little side stories.

Just played a four hour game of Cthulhu Monopoly on sunday night with 3 other friends. It was only done because it was one friend’s birthday request, and he only requested it out of a sadistic wish to make another friend, who hates the game, play it. There is no happiness in the land of Monopoly, but at least the

This has happened in our house twice with the Wii u. First my Daughter (7) accidentally deleted my almost complete mario kart 8 save. Then my son (2) accidentallydeleted my daughters 190 star mario 3d world save. I havent had the time to go backbthrough Mario kart, but my wife and I have been playing through Mario 3d

So it sounds like the screenwriters did to The Major what Nintendo did to Samus in Other M.

Hopefully continuing on in Dying Light since i just recently got a PS4, but my wife and I have a quest to accomplish on the Wii U. Our 2 year old son got a hold of the Wii Pad and deleted our 7 year old daughter’s save file on Mario 3D world. She had about 112 stars or so and had unlocked Rosalina. We are trying to

Damn! Someone needs to put these things in the next big indie horror game!

I currently work for a semi national cable company and i still hear stories about the Sega Channel (it was long before my time of employment) and how cool of a concept and nightmare to troubleshoot it was.

This exactly my kind of sports game!

This does look great. It’s  the first time I have actually wanted a version of Clue to own.

I would play this in a heartbeat, but im a sucker for light gun games.

Oh good god! i about laughed until i fell off the couch!

I have played arkham horror many times. Its a big, crazy, wonderfully narrative game. it looks like Eldritch does everything  arkham does on a bigger scale and with fewer rough edges. I dont think i will get around to playing it though. I have discovered Cthulhu Pandemic and while its lacks the amazing narrative, its

I think we are all focusing on the wrong thing here. I’m more amazed that Martin Skhreli was out wandering around and no one beat the holy hell out of him.

Thanks to this article these are the first think I have ever backed on Kickstarter. May is so far away!

Looks pretty cool! Alas, i will stick to button mashing my way through the Samurai Warriors take on the sengoku period. I respect these tactical super hard action games, i just suck at them.

What is the most disturbing thing Fahey has consumed?

Please make this a weekly column. This has been a giant pile of hilarity and lets me reminisce about my long forgotten PnP RPG playing days.

That’s just a giant pile of pathetic. Can the next mod include the malformations of centuries of inbreeding?

The only one I would throw out there is Sara and Duck. It’s just so damn weird that I think I enjoy it more than my daughter.