I mean, I'm not gonna have sex with this post or anything... But still. You are exactly right. New words. New pervs. New, exceedingly low horizons of Sunday afternoon not-quite-really-educational tomfuckery to indulge in with the interwebs...
I mean, I'm not gonna have sex with this post or anything... But still. You are exactly right. New words. New pervs. New, exceedingly low horizons of Sunday afternoon not-quite-really-educational tomfuckery to indulge in with the interwebs...
This post is pure heaven. It perfectly meets all of my emotional needs, combining as it does interesting history with new big words to learn, both while displaying a total lack of decorum as it discusses perversion. This post is my destiny.
Very scraggly old dude ponytail there, a la Jack Nicholson. I was also hoping for an actual bun-bun!
Man, I was hoping for pics of Leo with a cute bunny. That was disappointing. Anyway, that's not a bun. That's a pigtail.
What upsets me the most about all of this is the backlash. I mean, I hardly think a bunch of violent misogynist rapists are going to see that people are starting to protest against sexual violence against women and suddenly think "Yeah, I see now that I'm a disgusting piece of garbage and that I shouldn't mistreat…
If they were aborted solely because of their gender, that is problematic. For women, for men, and for society in general (gender ratios, etc.).
I've thought about this. While I wouldn't want my teenager being sexually active in HS, judging from my own shenanigans, they WILL find a way. I'd rather they did it under my roof in a safe environment after I've set out the ground rules and given a very thorough sex talk, than pretend they won't have sex, and have…
But if she wants to, honestly wants to, who is anybody to tell her otherwise? People do stuff other people wouldn't choose to do all the time (drugs, tattoos, drinking soda, bungee jumping). If someone wants to do it and it's not hurting anyone, why shouldn't she be allowed? Because someone says it means something…
Am I allowed to sort of brag at this point that applet is 3.5 weeks old and I've been out and about for over two weeks, going out to dinner and out for walks and such? I felt really bad about being so lazy and leaving it that long but I'm starting to feel pretty good about myself for getting moving (even just a bit)…
I agree with you. Maybe it is specific to my social circle/class, etc., but women of my mom's generation I know seem more cool about public breastfeeding than my peers. It makes me sad.
Also—WOW she's out and about living life with a 16 day old infant. PROPS lady! Mad props! That is awesome.
Who the hell can get that offended about feeding a SIXTEEN DAY OLD baby?
What are you talking about? Cinna is fine! CINNA IS FINE!
This was hardly an angry rant. I agree 100% especially on the sleep issue, any less than 6 and I'm useless.
I'm a yoga teacher, and it makes me ill that this scumbag guy is going to be the reason someone isn't going to try yoga. I abhor Bikram classes, because I believe that in yoga, you are where you are, it's your journey, etc. etc. You find your edge and you breathe into it. Next time maybe you go a little…
Yeah, like a lot of Lifehacker it's a tip to be used at the user's discretion, not for everyone. Definitely no harm with sharing it, though!