Thanks for posting these. I was looking for anything on Jez when HS finally imploded, and I was disappointed in their Nothing about it. I would have missed them. Thanks.
Thanks for posting these. I was looking for anything on Jez when HS finally imploded, and I was disappointed in their Nothing about it. I would have missed them. Thanks.
Can I give folks some perspective from people who get hired to do these things professionally? (And all of this is why I won't film or video a wedding EXCEPT as a favor to someone I know.)
If you're in Best Buy, you're lucky if the price is only $10 more than the competitor. If I need to pick up camera equipment that I forgot while traveling, they want over $100 for my $50 from B&H camera battery. Also, the dude who works in the camera department at my local Best Buy is happy to tell you that $85 is the…
What he really needs is a technical 3D portfolio and to meet some lawyers.
I wish I could say that line was rare, or even unique to CL. Everybody thinks their project is that special. It's a hard time to be in video right now.
the people who like to talk about protecting the "innocence of kids", but then advocate for parading outside elementary schools with posters and truck-billboards featuring shocking blown-up pics of bloody fetuses.
It drives me nuts that the PP in my area doesn't provide abortions, and yet there are always anti-abortion protesters anyway. I have a love/hate relationship with being rude to them when I'm getting a standard pelvic exam. So many women go there for legit pre-natal care.
Does no one understand that Anon is not a hierarchical organization?
Dude. Reverse cowgirl. My boyfriend grins for *days*.
That is so brilliant. Imma get me one of those.
I'm pretty sure consensual sodomy is just fine, unless you happen to live in one of those states that outlaws it. It's still fine (assuming consensual, again), just illegal.
And that is why wine makes Facebook better.
I will die in my Adventure Time hoodie!!
My grandmother met JP II once at a small, private mass. "I'm so glad I get to meet you now. You know you're coming to Giants Stadium, near my town, on my birthday?" she said to him as they shook hands for a photo.
Spectacles (up), Testicles (down), Wallet (left), and Watch (right). That's how you cross.
Now all I can think of is the version of this gif with the added text (only after the teeth in the smile show): I could fap to this!
Probably 75% of the clothing store in the mall are a no-go for me and I'm not even THAT big.
Hah. I've got to go lay down, my margaritas are swollen.
The great thing about blogging in general is that there's some room for anonymity. You can put some space between your words and your real world identity. So, yeah, blog about it.