Nerdy Duo

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I have friends in similar places (One is stuck as a contract employee at a job she's been trying to quit for almost a year. Another friend who had to relocate due to the death of his fiancee, keeps having great interviews and then getting undercut at the last moment.) I feel

Sometimes I think he's a little too good at portraying his character. I've met more than one right-winger who thinks he's serious (then wonder about their attention span, then get mad because I'm the one with ADD). Hard to be satirical if folks don't get the joke.

Pfft. All glory to your delightful GIF collection. You nearly always have just the right one that I'm not used to seeing all over the place.

I love Amanda Bynes, she was one of the most promising actors to come out of the Nickelodeon machine (and I was such a huge fan of her body acting. But show me you're trying at it, and I'll be your fan too. I think it's an underappreciated art form.) and everything about what's going on with her lately, including

"Little Miss Sunshine" is wicked relevant. Syd Field is using it in his screenwriting seminar.

<3's! That is exactly what I hear in my head every time someone says not to put bras in the dryer.



Yes!! Fingers only for good curls, washing is overrated, and moisture, moisture, moisture. For easy styling, I like Miss Jessie's Quick Curls (and it actually makes my hair dry faster), but your mileage with their products may vary, since I don't have all that tight a curl. Before I gave up the brush, it was an

I read some of that. You're a damn brave man. Your thread is conscientious and reasonable, and damn well deserves its top spot. Thank you for being a reasonable fucking human being, sir. I commend you on a fine job of it and a rather good job of explaining things.

Me too.

So, we have Brood II coming out of our lawn like crazy. If we drive two miles away to our office, there aren't any. There's a point midway where the sound of them just utterly stops. If we drive a little farther, the no-cicada band ends, and you can hear their crazy continuous drone again (it sounds like phasers!).

Just your mention of it gave me all the feels. Big Bird is just always . . . .Did you see him on SNL during election season?

My fave four for good are close; substitute Patrick Stewart for Richard Simmons (probably because 11 y/o me still has a crazy crush on Captain Picard). And Reading Rainbow is half of why I was a voracious reader as a young child. So glad LB is trying to keep it up and running even though PBS cancelled it.

Did anybody else see the episode of Reading Rainbow where they discussed this? I really loved Levar Burton's diction: "Sometimes an adult can make a bad choice. . ." and so forth.

Damn! I left my in-progress knitting at home yesterday. Figures knit in public day is the one day I don't.

You're right on his degree. You're wrong on the word for how I feel about it. I tend to reserve repulsive for things that are icky or smell bad like dead animals in the road.

Marilyn! What the shit! Good god.

No, it's not working at small size. If somebody can point me to some avatar guidelines for Kinja, I'd redo it happily.

Lindy! Don't buy Lane Bryant bras! Their band sizes are at least 5 inches short! And that's by the old rule of band size = underbust measurement + 5, not their band size = measurement line of crap. The largest size band they carry only measures 32 inches, and they size it at like 46...WTF? What are they measuring it