Nerdy Duo

Mine too! I remember boys being asked to put a shirt over a sleeveless shirt just as often as girls during the hot weather. Most of us just kept a button-down in our lockers and wore the sleeveless as much as they could get away with. On days where the temp was over 75, though, they didn't hassle anybody for dress

I made this one really quickly before getting mad-stracted about an options change in After Effects. But it loops, because gifs that loop make me feel a zen kind of happiness.

Let's start a new team and call it Team Consensual Sex.

Thank you for leaving it. It made me laugh a lot, and I needed it.

One young male OB/G told me "women over 40 don't want sex anyway." An older male OB/G in a focus group said "I don't want my old ladies running around getting STDs,"

His left hand who falls asleep on him regularly?

Lindy- Thank you so much for continuing to be brave, bold, and direct on this issue. This can't be easy— some people are truly horrible, especially on the internet. Your hard work is so appreciated. As a woman working in comedy, it makes me feel like there's someone out there who has my back besides my partner.

"Army of Ghosts" is the ep. you're looking for. She played Adeola, and her performance there so impressed Davies, he specifically called her back for the next companion.

Even though I've watched it like three times, I still feel like I haven't seen the whole of the Van Gogh episode because of all the feels!

Or they could just not. Smith, after all, went down on the space Titanic before he was the Doctor.

YES! Not all women are petite little flowers. Where is the science that says no Y chromosome means you can only drink half as much even if you're the same weight?

Gah. Vertical video drives me crazy! Turn your phone sideways and it's 16:9. It'll look so much better!!

*It drives me crazy when I hold a door open for a man because I happened to get there first and he then insists that no, he must now pretend to hold it so he can go in after me.

My fiancee actively dislikes receiving flowers; in her view, they're "just going to die anyway," which I agree with. When we got engaged, she told me outright not to get a diamond, because they get people killed (and because they're more than a little boring)—if for no other reason alone (and there were many), this

All of the beautiful things you just said are exactly why snapchat was a damn good idea.

And that's why puppy videos and squee are a critical part of Jez's formula.

I'm so sorry. My little brother is like that too sometimes. It's simultaneously annoying, infuriating, and embarrassing. Really embarrassing. Like, family won't take him out with them in public embarrassing. And then there's the deep sensation of betrayal, the would you say that if I were that girl? Therapy has made

Ugh. Our friend's ex boyfriend had a friend like this, and we used to dread going to parties we knew he'd be at, because if it wasn't crap like that coming out of his mouth, it was crap about how women in the workplace are why the economic recovery is lackluster, and that feminism is why he couldn't get a decent wife

Honey badger got better things to do.

Reading back, I see I misread and was wrong.