I like to eat a spoonful in the winter when the heaters everywhere are going nuts. It helps me stay hydrated. They're also great when I eat more sugar than I should. One spoonful saves me from crazy sugar crashes.
I like to eat a spoonful in the winter when the heaters everywhere are going nuts. It helps me stay hydrated. They're also great when I eat more sugar than I should. One spoonful saves me from crazy sugar crashes.
I love this .gif forever.
Yes! That's why I love doing tutoring work and giving Photoshop lessons. The Nerdy Mister and I always have great fun while teaching kids. They see so differently from adults.
Hey, if we're doing this rearing kids thing correctly (as a society), then every generation should be a little bit right about being (at least a little bit) better than the one before.
But then you'd be in my spot! Where will I get my laughs and head nodding from?
Haha! The Nerdy Mister tells me he can always tell when mine is coming because he gets cranky. Personally, I just try to enjoy the early-warning system.
Ah, yes, totally! I forgot about cornstarch and baby powder. My mom used to do that. That's something most people have lying around, too.
For the silicone lube stain, I have some experience, since I use it for costuming and make-up stuff besides the sexytimes, and chalk is my favorite trick ever for dealing with oily stains. You grind up some chalk, (type doesn't matter. I've even used pastels once or twice. But you can get a box of RoseArt for like $2…
This! We do this! It's kind of like reporting in to say, hey, you don't have to worry anymore about this thing because it got done. And it's awesome, because it lets us share a task list. We are a little all praise all the time sometimes. But it makes our dog happy...
I can imagine. I can't hear the word 'twilight' without launching into a tirade about how bad they are. My poor, poor friend only wanted to go down to the pier and watch the sun set.
I live right smack in that area, and our dog goes nuts for the bunnies too. I don't usually worry, since the wild guys are fast. Though, recently, there have been a few in the mix that are definitely domestic. They're too fat-bodied and are definitely not afraid of us at all. I think a few kids got easter bunnies who…
I live about twelve miles north of NYC, and we have them all over the place. I grew up in Jersey, and they're really common there too. They're just fast as hell and terrified of people.
You are a good, good teacher.
This terrifies me, because if I'm carrying cash, I drop it all the time. It's a weird issue I have with paper money. This could have happened to me, and I would have totally thought I'd dropped it, and thanked the damn guy, and gone about my day without thinking anything of it.
Yes! That's exactly it. I feel like he looks like some of the nastier pictures of Cher that Star used to publish.
I love you. I cannot express how much good moving my own focus toward that line of thinking has done for my body. Not only do I feel better, move better, and am happier, I do happen to carry a good deal less of that loaded W around with me.
With Kanye, the real shame was how he was when she was getting out of the car. Not only does he not help her, he literally stands in her way.
First of all, Lindy, I straight up cried when I followed your too fat link. People are idiots and horrible.
Right? They both get to the door and wait.
People trying to feed your friend shellfish are dangerously evil. I'm allergic to shrimp. Like I can't even touch it. If I wash a pan you cooked shrimp in, my hands blow up and I'm full of hives. And still people are like, "No you should try this; don't be a diva; oh you're not really allergic— who's allergic to…