Nerdy Duo

Bless you, bless you, bless you. That's what a real diet is: cooking real food and making real choices, not trying to find all the half-ass cheats you can to make healthy food unhealthy. The popcorn from potato chips switch is a life-saver. Also, orange soda, diet or otherwise of any brand, tastes nothing like real

I think the H&M+ shows that this entire collection is plus-sized. It's very apparent when you're looking for Beachwear in the drop-down menu.

You! You there! Yes!

Yes you have! Don't forget to check out a site like Glassdoor or something else that has input from people who've worked there. You do deserve a good job.

I have diabetes, well, insulin resistance (there are still a butt ton of doctors who will tell you you're not diabetic, but you feel a lot better when you eat like a diabetic)

Lean Cuisines are also really that bad. People who eat them regularly kill a little piece of their soul with each bite. Otherwise you just can't summon enough cognitive dissonance to convince yourself that what you're eating is food, let alone delicious.

Yep. This is one of those situations where it's highly likely that both of them are very, very wrong in their past actions and everyone involved needs psychological help.

I had that version with these passages, though let me tell you it was super awkward at 11 when my mom was trying to get me to read it, and I just thought she was silly, and did we need to waste all these pages yammering on about being sexually confused? I was a loooot lot more empathetic when I reread it a few years

I've come across people who are in the habit of mixing it with weed. I really hope there aren't a lot of them.


That is just the one I was thinking I could probably crochet. If I do, I'll send you pictures. :)

Yes, this! I'm pretty sure WE ALL BE TIRED!

Is She-Hulk carrying a purse? Why? Just, why?

Precisely. Bacon sandwiches at the eating stage are the only exception. Because you need protein, and bacon ALWAYS smells good, even after nausea.

Amen. The PP near us is always full of young couples excited for their first child. Their waiting room looks like an awesome poster for diversity. I like it best when the young fathers start telling off the anti-abortion protesters we get sometimes. Especially because that particular office can only do stuff like STI

I go through about 4-5 litres of fizzy water via my trusty and loved Soda Stream.

Is real life an internet parody now?

That kind of makes a tremendous amount of sense.

I know how you feel. I'd hoped this was an April Fool's joke that took a while to reach my attention. But having seen it from 3 sources, I don't think I'm so lucky.

You're close. I found a picture.